Blai in Haven City
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"Mayyyybe you should tell someone about the monsters where you came from?"


Nod nod and he holds out his hand in the way that has come to mean "show me who should speak Chelish today".


Kaz will do that today. Kaz thinks languages are cool.


Kaz speaks Chelish today! "My teleport accident was caused by a monster. It looked like a large but not gargantuan snake, except with a full length mirror for a face. If that's not the monster you saw today it's still possible the same creature teleported something else, although I would guess the size of its mirror would limit the size of what it could do such a thing to. If there were several of them and some were bigger, though, a lot of monsters exist on Golarion. I couldn't hope to list them all but could try to identify what attacked today if it happens to be one I've previously encountered, if you'll translate a description."


Kaz gives, like, three seconds' thought to information security. "...It was obviously a dark creature with huge claws."


"I think there are sometimes bulettes in in northern Cheliax. Did it have a long tail? Was its head nearly as large as the rest of its body? How many legs?"


"...It... sounded like it might've been a shapeshifter."


"Did it turn into animals? Druids and some wizards can do that."


"What are those?"


"Druids are a kind of spellcaster; they usually live in wilderness areas, big forests, and are hostile to people who don't, so I don't know much about them besides that they turn into animals. Wizards are a more common kind of spellcaster, they use spellbooks with written spells on them and can perform almost any kind of magic if they're strong enough including polymorphing themselves. They might not be limited to animals, it's just most of what I've heard about."


"...Is that what you are?"


"No, I'm a cleric. We are good at healing and not good at turning into things at all."


"Healing is more useful anyway."


"It depends on what you're trying to do but a standard adventuring party will usually include a cleric for that purpose."


Kaz sighs and hesitates for a while before going ahead and asking - "Have you got plans? For after the end."


"The end of -?"


Nobody is going to understand so Kaz is unlikely to get in any trouble for saying any of this, yay. "The city. Civilization. I don't - I wasn't giving us five years yesterday, now I'm not betting on one."


"Oh. Well, I suppose in that event I'll go on to Judgment and I guess all things considered most likely Axis."




"The Lawful Neutral afterlife. I'm just guessing, of course."


"The fuck is Lawful Neutral?"


"An... alignment?"


"A what."


"An approximate philosophical outlook? Law versus Chaos? Good versus Evil?"


Well, this is a distraction from the fact that the city is obviously going to fall soon, and Kaz doesn't have enough of those with Blai healing people all the time. "What are you talking about?"

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