Blai in Haven City
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He can have an empty keg that contained beer until a few minutes ago.


"Create Water."


When it transpires that this actually works one of the customers drains his glass and presents it to Blai.


He can keep doing this all day and he will until and unless he thinks of a better way of attracting the right kind of attention.


When demand dies down - which it does quickly as no one is getting friends or conspicuous jugs - the proprietor comments pointedly that she's glad he came to visit her instead of poking around dead-end alleys nearby looking for some mythical Shadow to work for.


"I doubt that would have worked. Alleys would probably not be a very good place to be a mythical Shadow."


"Absolutely. Best to give up hope and not believe any rumors if you're gonna live in this city. And if you did go looking in dead-end alleys you'd be liable to meet that traitor, Torn, anyway, and no good can come of that."



The subtext in this place is pretty confusing and Voluminous Vocabulary is not nearly as helpful as Share Language but the worst thing that can happen if he excuses himself and stands in a dead-end alley is that he will feel stupid, and that's not very bad because it objectively doesn't matter at all. If everybody's done with the water for now he'll let himself out and check out the alley situation.


It takes some doing to find plausible dead-end alleys; most of the streets are actually through streets and fairly broad since most of them accommodate two lanes of flying vehicle traffic. And it's probably not one that dead-ends into a wall of the Krimzon Guard fortress.

There is a dead end near the city wall where there's a bit of graffiti depicting the baron's emblem with a jagged crack in it and a hammer hitting it. (The propaganda device he has to pass to reach that alley is saying "Loyalty will be rewarded! Death will await all others! - The dark eco inside you will eventually kill you, Jak. Its destructive effects cannot be stopped...")


Who the heck is Jak. Probably not important. Man, this baron sounds incredibly stupid through translation magic, maybe he's more eloquent if you can understand him directly.


Eventually a short-for-the-species (but taller than Blai) teenager and an orange ottsel duck into the alley. Both of them look at Blai kind of blankly.


"Good morning."


" - good morning."


"And a fine morning it is, isn't it, Jak? Hey, what brings a guy like you to a place like this, huh?"


"I heard there was a problem with the water."


"There was. What about it?"


"Well, I have a spell that can make water."


The two of them look at each other.

"A spell."


"Yes, like this. Create Water." A little rain shower between the three of them.


"Of course you’re just showing up now. Wouldn’t you know it, all that work we did to get the water back on was completely pointless. I want a refund."


"I'm sorry I didn't hear about it any sooner."


"You’re here now."


"For the last few days, yes. I've mostly been working at the hospital and they don't talk to me very much."


"You’re new in the city? Where did you come from?"


"My planet is called Golarion. I had a teleportation accident with some kind of monster I didn't recognize."

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