Ooh, a representative! Cam stops and waits politely. He's in a good mood. That Officer Eitamek only made two and a half racist remarks over an entire conversation! And was angry at Cam over air traffic control regulations!
"Oh. In a broader sense, my business here is that your civilization is collapsing and I would like to see if any of it is salvageable and compatible with people other than your species continuing to be alive, and do my best to help salvageable parts survive."
"I also want you to stop murdering people, which you seemed to be doing when I looked."
Cam pulls up some of the video he took of the ritual sacrifice. "Ring a bell?" he asks, displaying it.
"Then I see no reason not to interfere with with carrying them out," says Cam.
"Because a lot of people have died today, entirely too many, and while if you absolutely have to kill people your choice of targets is not bad, I doubt very much that you absolutely have to kill people."
"Yes," sighs Cam. "Yes, I am. Your civilization was rigged to explode as soon as it met someone it couldn't kill, and it can't kill me."
"I don't want to destroy you but under the circumstances I can't trust you, so leaving you alone will have to wait until I know more about what you're up to."