Blai in The Wandering Inn
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Cool. Words?




Over the next few days, word spreads in the city of Blai's healing. More people show up to the channels. His limited spells start going for exorbitant prices as people figure out where he's staying and start showing up to bid when he leaves the inn, and whoever he hasn't gotten to yet at the City Watch is left disappointed.


His time being the hottest topic in the city, however, is short lived.


Next week, rumors come out that someone dug up an entrance to a dungeon near Liscor. A new dungeon. Unplundered riches and aritifacts, ripe for the taking—

On Tirenv, the City Council confirms it. Initial scouts report that they were unable to ascertain the limits of the ruins. Full of traps and horrible monsters, but, well, that's par for the course. Structure in good condition, predates the settlement of Liscor—which it has to be, it's practically on Liscor's doorstep—but Liscor's area was settled seven centuries years ago, and whatever the dungeon used to be must have been lost to living memory even before that.

A virgin ancient dungeon, the first discovered in a more than century.

By Saelsmorn, the first adventurers from Celum are at the city gates.


...he's gonna commission that building now.


There contractors willing to take the commission, fewer if he wants it done in less than a week. It'll be a bit more expensive than previously anticipated due to rising demand—inns and hostels and so on are getting the same idea; there needs to be somewhere to house all these new arrivals to the city—but his pockets are plenty deep for it, even with less than two weeks of lead time.



How big is he commissioning it?


Sixty feet across, with the balconies and the bridge, of course. Plus a little leeway for people to walk around the edge while it's filling up.


Of course! They'll be finished just as the big tide of people really starts to come in, just to his spec.

This week will also be the first time Blai sees another human in this world. It'll be the first party coming in from Celum, looking... well, just about like a bunch of human adventurers. Not particularly strong. At least Blai knows the locals haven't misidentified his species with elves or halflings or whatever. They're not completely used to a Drake city, a bit jumpy. They pay like everyone else. They seem to be assuming he's an enterprising individual traveled to Liscor to sell healing to the adventurer boom, and don't ask him any questions about why he's here.


If they ask no questions he will learn no answers, especially since he's still pretty halting with spoken Common (his understanding outpaces his speech, since Comprehend Languages helps a lot with the one and hardly at all with the other).


The locals know better, though, and over time it seems that the [Arcanist] from the House of Magisters must have written his article, because he gets people idly asking about his class and his (not dead!) god, and if other people can be pick it up.


Honestly he's impressed the magister managed to write about it in a way that stuck that well! "Iomedae is having a busy year. She will probably not chose anyone here. There are other cleric-patrons" (he doesn't want to give anybody a migraine) "of Golarion, and they might, if you are the right kind of person for them. I can tell you a little bit about them but only a little bit. It is one of them choosing you and not a Skill you practice alone, though."


They seem to take that well. Some humans mention a [Healer] of Tenbault with comparable (maybe greater?) healing abilities, who's also been not replicable or isn't willing to teach, for whatever reason. Well, people get on fine with potions.


Another week later, the insectoid Guardsman he met on his first day—Klbkch, who's he'll have come to recognize as a bit of a fixture and minor celebrity in Liscor, and a bit of a terrifying presence to everyone not from Liscor—shows up after his midday channel, asking to speak to him.

"In my capacity as a private citizen, not a Senior Guardsman of the Liscor City Watch," he clarifies.


"How can I help you?"


"I wish to inquire about your god, 'Iomedae', and your relationship to her. I would prefer not to conduct this conversation in public. If this moment is not convenient, I can return at a different time."


"I have an office." It was very cheap compared to the rest of the building to add on some normal sized rooms! He has an office and a bedroom and a little kitchenette so he can cook his meat all the way through!


Klbkch can follow Blai to his office. He looks lightly uncomfortable.

"I have heard many rumors about your nature. I would like to hear you describe it in your own words."


"On Golarion it is routine for - I'm going to say cleric-patrons to be sure I won't give you a headache - to patronize people and grant them cleric abilities insofar as this is a worthwhile expenditure of energy for the patron. The only things I know about why Iomedae chose me are derived from the fact that She did - She didn't tell me anything else - but the conclusions I can derive from it are that I am satisfactorily aligned with Her goals at least under the condition that I understand myself to be in Her service. Those goals are defeating Evil and promulgating the establishment of Lawful, Good institutions that make the world robust against future incursion of Evil. Cleric powers have several uses but are most valuable for healing."


"[Arcanist] Arxam told me that Iomedae is a god from your world. The gods of this world are dead."

He's watching Blai very carefully. Or maybe his head just looks like that?


"That is what I've been told, yes. Sometimes Golarion ones die too, but most of them haven't."


But does Iomedae disapprove?

"What do you believe she means for you to do here?"


"...I have no reason to believe she meant me to be here in the first place, so I am constructing my own guesses of what I am best placed to do; I mean to go on using my healing powers for the people around me, as they seem exceptional in some ways."


"You said her goals are to 'defeating Evil and promulgating the establishment of Lawful, Good institutions that make the world robust against future incursion of Evil'. Based on what I have observed of your affair in Liscor, it is unclear to me in what sense you are pursuing these goals."


"There is... not a lot of obvious Evil around, and the appropriate resource deployment of one probably irreplaceable cleric is different from that of many who can be refreshed with new entrants. Healing is Good, so I'm doing that and looking into what charitable causes I can support that way, but I can't teach people to do it and make a self-sustaining hospital. Is there a project you hope to recruit me for...?"

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