The planet is #611 but will probably be named pretty soon. It has reasonably flexible (though dimension-constrained) magic and might have more magic once they can get around to having relevant documentation conjured (and if it turns out to be conjurable). There are administrative centers up in thirty different regions. They mostly take questions and help with emigration paperwork in the jurisdictions allowing that.
The administrative centers have attached pretty Elvish amphitheatres where the locals can watch alien movies. The alien movies are cheerfully propanganda, telling the stories of the various wars against Melkor and the destruction of the Yeerk empire and the stubborn princess who declared her country's independence while not actually in control of it and then persuaded Vanda Nossëo to accept it anyway. They're crafted so that you walk away with a correct understanding of how this whole thing works, at least. In early testing it's a reasonably effective way to increase the percentage of the population who say they understand Vanda Nossëo's laws and know what would happen if they broke them.