Idaia in Modern Arda
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"Idaia, being perfect, wouldn't have friends I was inclined to call names."


"We could be her charity case," Gloria suggests. "Perfect people do charity."


"Not by making themselves spend time around awful people."


"There's levels of not-awful that merit the title 'idiot'," Klaudia counters.


"Why are we even arguing about this?"


"Good question," Gloria says primly. "I blame Klaudia."

"What? You started this," she says. "You and your ego."

"I admit nothing."


He hugs his wife.


Gloria gives them an appraising look. "We'll get out of your hair. Although--oh, did you show him the outfit?"


"...No, no I have not, slipped my mind."


Gloria sashays over to the closet, rummages a bit, and pulls out a hanger.

There's a red corset with attached miniskirt that buttons up the front with silver eight-pointed star buttons, and a white skirt and a white jacket.


He laughs delightedly and kisses her. 


She giggles and kisses back.

Found the corset at a thrift store and couldn't resist--was so looking forward to you seeing it.


"Definitely getting out of your hair," Gloria says, and drapes the outfit over a chair, and the two leave and shut the door behind them.


"Lot of places and times you could have been reembodied it would have been dangerous, wearing that."


"Well, then I wouldn't have," she says reasonably. "But there's no danger here."




"I was kind of mad with your dad and brothers for burning the ships but I was always planning to forgive and come back eventually, even while we were on the Ice, and then when I came back I was like, fuck it, holding a grudge against people I love sucks, there's a decent chance I'll never see any of them again and my choices are forgiving them without actually talking to them about it or not forgiving them ever, and it had been so long while I was gone--and it wasn't like there were any Nolofinweans around who had a serious competing claim to my allegiance what with the crossing the Ice together thing. So why the fuck not."


"He would never have done it if he'd known he was leaving you behind."


"That helps surprisingly little when you're watching the people he did mean to leave behind die."


"Why did they cross."


She remembers Nolofinwe's speech at him.


"They all died, for no reason. They didn't even want to be there. I - ugh."


"Well what were they supposed to do. Just give up? You wouldn't have."


"I wouldn't have said that it had been horrible and evil to steal the boats and everyone involved deserved to suffer forever for it and also you'd better give me a boat. And if I'd done that I wouldn't have threatened my King's life or promised that I'd spend the whole war opposing whatever he did."


"Yeah, there were a few points where I came this close to trying to find Artanis and punch her in her stupid face. And the hypocrisy is horrifying. But. I still--I would have tried to stop your dad from burning the boats if I had come across, and sometimes I wonder if getting left behind isn't going to do wonders for our relationship because I'm better at dealing with literally dying than he is with being criticized. I know that's probably unfair of me. But."

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