Idaia in Modern Arda
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"It's me," a female voice says. "Well, us. Daphne has informed us that you are not in fact a widow and we came to offer congratulations."

"And platonically ogle the Elf," another voice says.

"Shut up, Klaudia," the first one says.


Your other friends?


Yep. First one's fails-to-paint-Silmarils. She conjures clothes on them.


"Hi, Idaia's friends."


The lock rattles and the door opens and a blonde woman who looks nothing whatsoever like an Elf except in that she is extremely pretty walks in. "Hi, Idaia's husband."


"I'm pleased her friends already know, I can't imagine what you'd think of me otherwise."


"That if Idaia had to go crazy and elope to Vegas with a stranger, at least she chose a beautiful one," she says serenely. "I'd say that's what everyone else is going to think except that most people don't appreciate beauty properly."


"I bet I could get a significant fraction of your campus to elope to Vegas with me if I wasn't, you know, very very taken."


"Well, not me, I'm gayer than a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide, but there are straight girls and gay men and bisexuals of both genders on campus, so you're quite possibly right."


"I have the only person I'll ever want."


She smiles at them both fondly, and then beams at the black-haired girl who finally follows her into the room. "Likewise. I'm sorry you two had to wait so long to be reunited, but I'm glad I got to meet her in the meantime. Do you mind if I paint you some time?"


"Not at all."


She claps her hands together and beams. "Excellent! I've done paintings of things Idaia's shown me before, of course, but painting specific people without their permission would be sketchy. I'm quite glad to be able to finally secure it."


"Really doubt anyone'd mind."


"Good, but I know there are humans in the here-and-now who would mind, and I wasn't sure if you'd differ in that respect."


"We're kind of historical figures. Comes with the territory."


"You're not a historical figure to me," she points out. "I'd never have heard of you if it wasn't for Idaia."


"Fair enough. Doubt there's much art of us in Valinor, for a different reason."


"What reason?"


"Uh, we're the most hated monsters in Elven history, did Idaia not cover that part."


"...No? If this is over Alqualonde I'm really not impressed with your species, if it's over something that happened after she died I'm not sure how you think she'd have known about it to tell me."


"Shouldn't you be more impressed with our species since that's the worst thing anyone's ever done?"


"At least according to her, you were defending yourselves."


"It is very unclear and probably unknowable who actually drew and who actually used deadly weapons first. I am sure everyone on both sides was defending themself."


"Regardless, if Valinor decided to declare you monsters over it, Idaia didn't stick around to find out."

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