Joan-Pau Ardiaca wants everyone to endorse a general policy of politely moving to reconquer the empire, but, you know, very politely
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The problem with all these damn things is that the only situation where you can be like "does this mean that, or the other thing" is if you are on the committee. And you can't be on the committee for everything. It's not like Lluc really expected last week like he'd have any effect on how the Queen ran things but now that he is expected to have such an effect it's actually really annoying when there's bits of governance flying by out of reach because he can't be on every committee! If they vote this one down will they bring back something better or something worse or try the exact same thing again next Sunday after making backroom deals? (Do they meet on Sundays?)

It would probably be easier to do worse than better. He'll vote in favor.


"Cheliax gets bigger" seems like a bad habit for them to get into. No. 


He didn’t follow everything, there is almost certainly some subtext he missed.  (A war that already meets the criteria listed?). But in general it sounds fine and like something the Queen and his peers want?  Yes.


She votes how she thinks the majority is voting.  Best not to stick out.


It sounds like there is an end goal in mind to these seemingly reasonably points, but it also sounds like it doesn’t affect Thea, so no point going against the nobility.  Yes.


Nuria isn't a hundred percent sure this whole thing is a good idea. She isn't sure it isn't, either, but it looks like it's going to pass comfortably and the nobility will get a swelled head if their motions pass with too much of a majority. No. 


They're going to just do whatever they want anyway, regardless of whatever this vote ends up as. Humans always end up making excuses that pretend to follow the rules they wrote out, and then attacking places to sate their greed. Abstain, this isn't her fight and she's not going to burn goodwill for it.


Aspexia-Isona thinks this results in less war than a general decree that the queen can start whatever wars she likes, and probably most of them are good ones. Yes.


Alicia is against this, Lord Cansellarion knows better than almost anyone about the importance of going to war with evil countries and if he doesn't think this is justified even with that and requiring the approval of good churches she'll trust his judgment far more than she trusts that of the rest of the nobility.



Paladin who took her city is against because it's too warlike. Noble fucker who may or may not be her only potential protector after this shit is the person calling for the vote.



She has to make her first decision on where she stands right now. If she goes against him now, and decides she wants to work with him later... it'll probably be easy to point out to the archduke he hasn't promised her anything yet, and if she wants the duke to feel indebted to her she needs to set that up. And frankly speaking, the army isn't ready for a war yet and saying we should be going to war before we have an army ready to fight it is madness anyway, that's just warning your enemies for no reason.

She stands up, makes sure she has a clear line of sight to Duke Cansellarion, and votes against the proposal. He's probably got aides tracking whoever votes for what, but she won't make it harder on him.




Narikopolus will vote with Cansellarion, but he's deeply unhappy about how it looks.


Caught between Cansellarion and his allies among the nobility, he will abstain. On the one hand, war is bad; on the other, Cansellarion is being silly if he thinks the borders of Cheliax are the important kind of Alfirin's influence to limit.


Aye; why is this controversial?


He doesn’t fully understand all of it, but from context this sounds kinda like they’ll have more war for reasons he cannot follow. 

“No” (I guess)


It's looking like it will pass comfortably, and she's no longer voting early enough that people will follow her; even most of her counts have already voted Aye.

"Aye," she says, and notes it on her private list of things she might need to justify to Jackdaw.


Three archdukes! The paladin! Ahhh! What do to?

It's going to pass, so he'll vote with the majority.


Berenguer-Aspex votes yes because "you voted for this in committee and not otherwise" is a bad look and because it's going to pass.


It sounds like they only want to fight for good things,  defending against demons and winning other countries from hell like they did Cheliax. But if the paladin still worries about wars starting for bad reasons under these rules… 

His uncle lost an arm and the use of a leg. Hard to say that’s worth it for anything less than fighting hell or demons. 

Voting no. 


Proud member of the war faction here. “Aye!” Hope they have better loot than demons. 


If the Good churches tell them it's not Good to kill everyone in the forest then - they won't stop, but at least it might stop them telling her "it's already a war and that in itself is a reason not to make peace", if they're not allowed to call it a war anymore.


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