Joan-Pau Ardiaca wants everyone to endorse a general policy of politely moving to reconquer the empire, but, you know, very politely
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"Seconded," he says. And then he'll vote yes.




Can't ask for more than "ask the Good churches first and don't do it if they say no."


He really doesn't care and will abstain. It seems basically irrelevant to his interests.


It's not just about the cute boy, caucusing with the Molthuni and resurrected nobles seems pretty smart right now. They're not Evil and not under suspicion of being Asmodean. The fact that they are sexy and powerful and will duel for you is just a bonus.


This sounds like a pretext for starting wars and Jaume is against.


There was clearly a lot of manuevering at work there and Valia's suspicious of nobles by this point - even the ones who don't glow Evil - so she'll follow Ser Cansellarion, who clearly knows what he's doing.


Yes. This is the preliminary 'should we invade Molthune' vote. If only he could see the Lord Protector's face when the reconquest begins...


Kicharchu doesn't have the context for any of this and abstains.


It sounds nice. Maybe if they write it down and pretend to believe it for long enough it'll even be nice. Sure.


Laia appreciates that they'd want to consult the Good churches. A sensible precaution if a state is recovering from Asmodeanism. In favor.


Blai will vote how Cansellarion votes whenever he is confused and sometimes even when he's not.


This is for the war faction, which is the only faction that definitely exists so far, including everyone from Molthune.

...They'll probably go fight Rahadoum, if that works. After Druma. And the paladin's against it too.



It sounds nice. A great big friendly empire. Trade and travel across all those inconvenient lines on the map. Plenty of chances for folks to level, folks who aren't her but still. Aye.


This is the "no more piracy, Andoran!" bill? Aye.


The nobles he doesn't want to make enemies of are overwhelmingly in favor, so he is too. He'd be in favor even if he was against it, really, but it even seems reasonably sensible.


She is not entirely sure she understood all the details here but it sounds like it might prevent them from going to war to defend another country, even if the people of that country had been seriously wronged and were asking for their aid. She's against it.


The fancy nobles are mostly in favor. She can take a hint.


Ughhh. A lot of people he doesn't like are voting for it. But it sounds like it might let them stick it to Andoran, which would be great. He votes in favor.


He votes in favor.  Reunification just makes sense, if it can be done peacefully, or by means righteousness enough to satisfy the Good churches.  

It doesn't hurt that Xavier is voting for it.


Anna considers and judges that the Queen would probably be in favor and her Lictor wouldn't care a bit. Yes.


War is good for business. Yes.


Alonso doesn't especially trust the Good churches to keep Cheliax away from Andoran. No. 


War is expensive. No.


He didn’t really follow all of that?  The Paladin didn’t fully agree but as he learned with the tax and slavery vote earlier you can’t just cheat off the Paladin.  He’ll go with the general mood and vote yes.

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