Metadata: A Swift Update On The Progress Of The Committee On Relations With Those People Kin To The Chelish People [General Session, 3 Sarenith] [Open]
Joan-Pau Ardiaca wants everyone to endorse a general policy of politely moving to reconquer the empire, but, you know, very politely
Status In Progress
Audience Public
Setting Golarion
Word Count 4,220
  • Aevylmar: 1,017
  • lantalótë: 883
  • lintamande: 733
  • Alicorn: 264
  • Numendil: 217
  • QTesseract: 194
  • JiSK: 187
  • Arete/Stars: 125
  • Nscruiser: 121
  • danarmak: 99
  • lux: 81
  • MaggieoftheOwls: 75
  • Aestrix: 54
  • apprenticebard: 48
  • nonevah: 33
  • Calima: 32
  • Pevensie: 26
  • harryisgamer: 23
  • ray: 5
  • bluejay: 3
Time Begun
Time Last Updated