He is also here.
Molochio is several years past his formal schooling, but is a good deal closer to it than most other delegates. Despite his obvious academic talents, school was a living hell for him, and he still has more than a bit of a grudge against the Chelish education system because of it.
Also, while the floor debate centered around wizard schools, Molochio himself is more interested in the status of primary schools. (Like many educated non-wizards in Cheliax, even under the old regime, he resents the extent to which the Thrunes seemed to view childhood schooling as a way to stripmine the nation for children to throw into meat grinders (sorry, wizard academies) effectiveness at any other sort of education be dammed.)
All this to say, he really thinks the committee should have someone who thinks that children should get to learn things and not get beaten for no good reason, whether they have a native talent for wizardry or not.