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"They do! We can visit them same as we can visit you. I have heard it said that they like the sewage for growing mushrooms on."


Perhaps they should look into getting that fixed.


Perhaps they should learn to grow mushrooms instead of flushing valuable nutrients!


...actually. "Maybe the kobolds could help keep the humans informed about what's going on below them, and help guide them if they need to go down? As part of their - taxes or whatever." That's being good neighbours, right?


"I am not sure that it is technically within the remit of this committee to determine the borders of Cheliax, but - I call for a vote on whether we will consider the sewers beneath Cheliax, and shallow caves within Chelish territory to be in-scope for our discussions here. Separately, a vote on whether we will consider the darklands out of scope for our discussions here."


"Aye and aye; the first is and the second and is not." This is him politely suggesting to Ramirez that 'yes' is ambiguous and he should have phrased the second one better.


Feather will wait to see how Kicharchu votes and vote the same way.

Does not determining the borders of Cheliax mean they don't know what Cheliax considers its borders to be? She doesn't see how they can discuss the rights of the kobolds in the sewers if they don't know whether they are or are not in Cheliax.


"Abstain, and aye, respectively." 


"Sewers yes drow no. They are doing a separate thing but we are not very doing a thing. Yet!"


"Yes and no. Drow beneath Cheliax pose an obvious threat that must be addressed." 


"The darklands is out of scope and the sewers are in scope," Permira says.


"Yes and no." Kicharchu knows better than her what is best for the kobolds and, presumably, the drow.


"And I vote for the sewers to be in scope and the darklands out of scope. Unanimous, with one abstention, for the sewers being in scope.  Five to three for the darklands being out of scope, if I understand everyone's votes correctly. I do apologize for the ambiguity in the wording of the second question."


Well Regill is definitely judging him for that but it's not as if he had expected not to. 

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