why is stopping bad things so complicated
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She's visibly unhappy with the idea of adding another nobleman to the committee but not enough to actively protest.

"I think it depends on the voices, probably? It wouldn't be good if we were still listening to Delegate Ibarra. But as long as he's trying to actually help the committee and isn't secretly Evil it's probably fine."


“The only agenda I have is supporting those that fought against the Asmodeans!”


"—Just to check, you mean supporting people who fought against them in good ways, like the Pezzack rebels or people who took out their village's priest, and not people who did things like burning down houses full of children because their parents were vaguely connected to Asmodeus, right?"


"The people of the West Hills of Aspramunt were unusually disciplined in overthrowing their baron, I've even heard his children still live!  But that would already be covered by the Queen's amnesty.  The issue I speak of... they were slow to receive the news of the Queen's victory, and have been turning back travelers and government officials who have tried to pass through the land even after the amnesty.  I don't yet know them to have killed any innocent travelers," -not that he has good information in the first place- "but it would be an unusual display of discipline for them to have avoided any deaths in the process of defending themselves from bandits and remaining Asmodeans in the manner they did.  I was hoping the amnesty could be extended for isolated villages slow to take the news.  It would make negotiating with them to bring them back into the proper order much easier if I could guarantee they wouldn't be punished for... accidents... that may have happened in the course of securing their land."

He needs to appeal to the Calistrian.  Perhaps reminding her of the other nobles involved?

"And of course, the duke neighboring me and the archduke above me might want to insist on me punishing the west hill villages for their slowness to recognize the return of the proper order, and I would like a firm legal standing to go against that if needed."


Blink blink. She feels some sort of way about them sparing the baron's children. Maybe they hadn't had time to do anything bad yet. You shouldn't hurt innocent people, even if they're nobleborn, and probably a young enough noble could still be innocent.

"I definitely don't think people should be punished for defending themselves against bandits and Asmodeans! I just wanted to be sure you weren't going to, like, start defending Delegate Ibarra."


"He's the person denounced in the Select's speech, right?  I can imagine how hatred and-" don't say a desire for revenge, it will offend her "-a need to strike back against Asmodeus might lead someone into Evil, but no I don't defend it.  You could talk to the elected delegate Sefora if you have more detailed concerns about the West Hills rebellion in particular?  She's the leader of the rebels of the West Hills, and I think she has a clearer picture of exactly how the peasant rebels there have comported themselves."

Pointing the Avenger at Sefora is either a really good idea or a really bad one... maybe he should have thought over in more detail how he is going to handle Sefora.


He's very prettily spoken. Her husband was like that when they were young.


"I guess we should probably vote?" she says, when no one else says anything to the new nobleman. "I abstain."


"We need some noble, right? This one seems fine."


"All in favor?" She looks around the room. "All right, Quirze, you're in. Was there anything else anyone wanted to get to today?"


"I was hoping we could discuss the idea I brought up this morning — uh, for context, Delegate Quirze, this morning Valia got us all together and told us that Delegate Ibarra and Delegate del Mar were secretly Evil and using magic to hide it, and then he walked in on us and gave a speech about how he burns down houses full of children, and he said there were lots of people in the city who could have told us how Evil he was. Anyways, basically, I was thinking that probably there's lots of people who are really obviously Evil, where everyone who knows them knows they've murdered innocent people or forced themselves on women or had innocent people tortured for fun, and we should set up some way that anyone in the city can come to us and tell us — the delegates know where to find us, but not everyone does. We'd obviously need to check to make sure that diabolists weren't just making up lies about innocent people, but I think it could help a lot. ...I think I explained it better the first time but that's the basic idea."


"I don't want to promise things for the Church of Iomedae but I'd like it if we could take reports about really Evil people and I think the other priests would be all right with it as long as we reported them instead of killing them ourselves. So it doesn't fix everything, it doesn't fix anything the Queen doesn't want to fix, but - the rest of the Church thinks she wants to fix everything and just doesn't know about all the most awful stuff people are still doing."


“That sounds like a wise combination of handling things Lawfully and dealing with remaining Asmodeanism, Select.”

There, that should signal his position on this committee appropriately.


"If it turns out that there's, like, a super Evil noble running around hurting people that the Queen doesn't care about because she likes them or something, I wouldn't want to say we can't do anything about it." (She missed the implications of the reference to an 'amnesty' earlier and has not yet heard an explanation of what it means from any of her other committees.) "I think it's more important to be Good than Lawful, I honestly didn't realize it was possible for someone in Cheliax to be both at once until I met Valia. But I definitely think it's fine to try bringing things to the Queen first, and it'll only be an issue if the Queen secretly wants Evil people to be in charge."


"If the Queen isn't a just ruler and is letting Evil people get away with awful things because she doesn't care then it would be right to rebel against her but we ought to give her a chance first, the people who have been following things think she's been doing the best she can so far. And if that's wrong, we'll want them on our side and they won't side with us without proof anyways."


Nod nod. "That makes sense to me."

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