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and justice for all!
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Victòria is running between four different committees and somehow ended up showing up early to this one. Which isn't really a problem, except that no one else is here yet so she doesn't have a good sense yet of whether it'll be full of normal reasonable people or weird nobles playing procedural tricks to try to get you to say they should be allowed to turn people into undead. Probably it'll be fine, Valia is sensible and Valia's friend is presumably also sensible?

...Either way, hopefully there won't be any Evildoers on this one, or at least if there are hopefully people will agree that obviously the sort of person who burns down a house full of children shouldn't be making laws about how the courts should work. 

She wasn't that early. People start showing up a couple minutes after she arrived.

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"Hi! I don't think I actually got your name, sorry, when we left the convention hall earlier? I'm Liushna." 


"I'm Victòria! Nice to meet you."


"Good to meet you too. ...Especially since I suspect a committee like this is going to," the itarii equivalent of wrinkling your nose is thinning your nostril-slits, "attract the kind of people one would like allies in handling." 


Nod nod.



Remei's going to have a sudden problem with her bootlaces and not go into that room right away actually.


Xavi had a theory. It went like this: on the one hand drawing attention to himself is terrible. On the other hand, would anyone at the present time notice, if he died? Maybe he should spend more time in a room with roughly 10 people who don't all know each other, and less in the room with hundreds of people where his body might literally get lost underfoot if all the people clapping at the cleric's speech started attacking the people arguing with her.

This theory seemed plausible up until there were two people in the room and he recognised one of them. So... now he is awkwardly adjusting his pockets and hopefully not freaking out the important woman who is also outside of the room.


"Oh, hello. Remei Petit."


Aaaah it's fine, Xavi has said words to multiple other speaking beings in the last 18 months and this sentence you can just say the same thing back to. Right? It's fine.

"Hello... Xavi." That was probably audible.



This guy does not look equipped to manage a situation where the strix and the Calistrian go mad and attack people. Remei's other boot needs relacing too.


"You know, if people who don't like us respond by leaving us alone, I think that's pretty much the best-case scenario," Liushna says quietly to Victoria. 


This guy agrees. Pockets.


She laughs. "Yeah, I mean, no complaints here."


Oh hey a bird person! He's not sure which type of bird person, exactly, but bird people don't scare him so he'll just walk right in.

"Hello! This is the committee for the judiciary?"


"Yes, that's right!"


"Yep! We're still waiting on a few people, though."


"It is."

In for a copper, in for a dollar gold. The committee on magic isn't meeting until later, and he might as well join a committee where he knows the subject matter better to practice for that one.


"I'm Alonso, elected from Vyre," he says to the gathering delegates. "I have some experience with, well, at least how one prison is run in Cheliax. Deepmar receives prisoners from all over Cheliax, and so I have a passing familiarity with the varieties of justice in the country. I've spent some time dealing with the records system, as part of our Queen's attempt to release political prisoners."


Xavi follows the other two people in and... listens quietly to Alonso.


"I'm Liushna, elected delegate of the--" ugh "--strix tribes near Pezzack." 


Once there's a quorum Remei finishes her lacing and comes in and takes a seat. "Remei Petit, elected."


"Victòria, priestess of Calistria."


"Taldaris Ventura, elected -" oh he really should have kept with the other elections, if only for the bragging rights " - by the good people of Blava."


“Enric Porras, I’m a sortition.”

He gives a friendly nod to Victoria and Liushna, he knows them!

Enric is with some people he knows, in a committee he proposed making. (Even though one of the nobles proposed it again when there was almost a mob, and is probably getting the credit.) Almost feels like a room he should be in, instead of one he just ended up in.


Taldaris, huh...isn't there a country called Taldor? Is there some connection here? Nah, she's probably just making up links that don't exist. 

She waves at Enric. 


Waving back, of course. 


Why does that perfectly normal looking man know a strix. Is he from Pezzack.

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