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A normal man from the plains of Sirmium, actually. But you see, he has… been to a café.


(Xavi does not draw attention to himself unprompted.)


He is uneasy around the Strix, but he's Chelish, and so it barely shows. In the lull of introductions, he turns to Victòria.

"Forgive me, but like many my religious education was... narrow. Who is Calistria?"


"Mine was pretty narrow too, I'm not an expert or anything. Calistria is the goddess of— if someone thinks they can get away with hurting you, because you're weaker than them, or because they're a noble and you aren't, you make them pay for it. Even if no one else cares, even if everyone else is too afraid to stand up to whoever it was, even if the easy thing to do is to say nothing and just let them get away with it. Like the opposite of Asmodeus.

...Also she's the goddess of lust, but I don't know as much about that."


Why would you need a goddess for lust? Everyone is just going to do it anyway. 

...On the other hand, the world turns regardless, and humans think Gozreh is a god. Hm. 


Lluïsa walks over to Liushna first, catching the tail end of that exchange but not having any comments on lust.

"Delegate Liushna, before this Committee has fully assembled, would you care to review this List pertaining to your earlier Proposal on the Floor, regarding Permissible Terms for members of Species?"

It looks like this:

Permissible Terms for Members of Species Comprising the Empire
Permissible Impermissible  
Human, Man, Tallfolk Tall pig (qu: are not Elves taller?)
Elf Knife-ear  
Halfling Slip, Underfoot (qu: is the Term "Shortfolk" in Use?)
Tiefling Hellspawn  
Gnome   (investigate Offensive Terms for Gnomes)
Strix, bird person, person with feathers bird monster  
Kobold Scaled rat (investigate further)

And she takes a seat nearby.


"...This mostly looks right to me but I haven't talked extensively with anyone who wasn't a halfling about what terms are preferable. Also, the list of acceptable terms for my species should include itarii; it's our word for ourselves." 


...After seeing how things went on the Family committee she's going to wait until Valia is here before pointing out the Evil committee member. She is Learning Things about Political Strategy.


He smiles at the description of Calistria, feeling its resonance in his chest. "Thank you, delegate." Better preparation than he thought, indeed. 

Ah, the lawyer! He hoped she would be here; he is only experienced with the outputs of courts, not their process, having never stepped foot inside one himself.


"Itarii" goes on the list, with a nod of thanks!


He squints at the list. This bird person is a strix! This doesn't actually tell him anything new because he's never heard of a strix before.


"You forgot about dwarves."


Valia's here! She waves at Liushna and Victoria and seats herself next to them. "What about dwarves?"


What a pleasant and reasonable person Delegate Cornellà is! Liushna waves back at Valia.


Alonso is not going to admit how many slurs he knows in front of the committee, even if it would be helpful in completing this list!!


"I shall investigate Offensive Terms for Dwarves as well," she agrees. "I have not seen a Dwarvish Delegate, but at the least a Dwarf may be likely to be found on Business within the City."


Oh the Iomedan! "There's a list of kinds of people and what to call them and what not to call them, but she forgot to put dwarves on the list. I liked your speech! It was very inspiring."


Valia thinks that making rules about what you're allowed to call different kinds of people is an absolutely awful idea but she's worried now that Feliu would say that actually you have to do that to stop people killing each other in the streets and that if she is opposed to it then people will think the Church of Iomedae wants them to kill all strix or something. "Thank you," she says tiredly to Ventura.


It's her, up close! He can't get shy now. "I also was inspired by it; I likely wouldn't be on this committee without it."


"Before we get started, there's something everyone here should know."

She looks directly at Lluïsa.

"This morning, the Diabolism Committee checked everyone when they arrived to see if they were Evil. We won't catch everyone that way, only powerful Evil people will show up to it and there's ways for them to hide it, but we figured we'd get some of them. We also checked a normal person on our own committee, like Delegate Wain mentioned during her speech, and she was fine.

Delegate Cornellà is Evil, and powerful enough to show it. On one of my other committees people were saying it was a good idea to have Evil people on the committee but I don't want her — sneakily trying to make it easier to get away with hurting innocent people."


Valia smiles encouragingly at Victoria. "Indeed. For this committee it seems particularly important that we fulfill our duties to make a court system that's not Evil."


Enric isn’t really paying attention to the list of things to call different peoples. He’s a bit out of it… 

someone thinks they can get away with hurting you, because you're weaker than them, or because they're a noble and you aren't, you make them pay for it

rejoice that those who tortured their children and humiliated their wives and tormented them over minor slights will not have the power to do that any longer

You should be afraid of the people of Cheliax.

But Lluisa still hasn’t tried to hurt him or turn any of the committees to evil…


He's torn. He likes both of them, and yet...

"She also may have the most experience of any of us of how Chelish law has operated so far. Even if we don't want her to be able to vote, I think she should be invited to remain as an expert witness."


"That seems reasonable to me. Evil people may still have specialized knowledge. We just wouldn't want to take her suggestions too credulously."


"An unsurprising Finding; I have lived thirty-six Years under Hell's Yoke and one Year free of it, and have some small but considerable amount of Wizardry. Though rejoicing to be free of the Monstrous Thrunes, the balance of my Life may yet stain my Soul with Hell's Mark; what of it? Were this a Convention of Pharasma the Judge, perhaps such Divination would have merit, but this is a Convention of her Majesty the Queen. Had you been attentive to my Remarks on the General Floor, you would know my first Proposal, to discard as Infernally Tainted all Law accumulating under the former Regime, looking to the Laws under holy Aroden, a Codified Corpus spanning many Centuries, for Guidance."

And good luck trying to murder a wizard in the middle of a committee meeting.


"...Well, Delegate Ibarra was Evil and it turned out it was because he burned down a house full of innocent children. I'm fine with you staying on to give your specialized law knowledge if the other committee members" by which she means Valia "think it's a good idea, but your response is really not reassuring!!!"

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