why is stopping bad things so complicated
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"...why are you casting a spell on yourself if you don't know what it does?"


" - Because it's an abjuration! Abjurations are safe!"


"That doesn't make sense!"


"I can try to identify the spell for sure, but I've only been getting tutoring in spellcraft and arcana for the past half a year.  I'm going to cast detect magic now."

She casts carefully and methodically, then waits the 3 rounds for it to come into focus.


"It's an abjuration... I really don't have the skill to tell anything else about it though."

And it would take too long to fetch Estella, and she really doesn't want her around such a volatile situation.


Quirze has a brilliant idea!

"I have a spell that gives a temporary Aura of Good.  If someone has Detect Good, we could tell if it's an Undetectable Alignment by if you can't see the Aura of Good from my spell!"


He's not Evil! Let's go with his idea! "Great idea, thank you, why don't you try that. ...does anyone have Detect Good?"


Two. Spells.


"You really need to give us homework that calls for spells before dawn, girlie."


"I'm sorry, ma'am," says Valia. "I wasn't expecting the Inquisitor to tell us there were two secret Evil people on our committee. It's not even a very big committee."


"I don't have detect good either. I'm pretty sure she's lying, though, since there aren't very many abjurations that last all day and don't have obvious tells - either from how you cast them or what they do - and thus she'd just be able to say what spell it was. It could be fastidiousness or waterproof, but we can check those by her pouring some water on herself and watching."


Time to show she can be an ally!

"Tomorrow I can spare a slot for detect good if you need it.  It might be wise to know potential allies just as well as..." she can't say enemies "people you have cause to be cautious of.  And then we could confirm or rule out if the spell is an undetectable alignment for sure with the nobleman's spell?"


"One of the other people on the rights committee said that it's almost impossible to fool Abadar's Truthtelling, that Delegate Ibarra might've even been lying it's so rare, and he knows more about magic than me and didn't show up as Evil so I think he'd know. You could pay for an Abadar's Truthtelling and say that you aren't Evil and really don't know what the spell did and haven't been hiding your alignment on purpose?"


"I am not going to buy a spell because you have all suddenly gone crazy! This is ridiculous!" Does nobody in this room think she's innocent?


"...If you're really innocent we could pay you back after?"


"I don't think you're going to say I'm innocent, I think you're going to find some ridiculous excuse! I know two spells! They're both first-circle! I am THIRTEEN!"  And having some trouble controlling her emotions!


That sure sounds like she can’t fool a truth spell and would be caught lying.


This feels kind of mean, and not very good, but also a truth telling should clear it up?

"We could all pitch in a few silvers up front.  The stipend has been pretty good in my opinion?"

And to try to be Good about it.

"And apologize for the caution afterwards... and agree on the questions beforehand and only ask those agreed on.  I'm sorry about the fact that many people like myself read evil... and make caution warranted."

Some genuine sympathy shows in her voice.


It would seem like a good suggestion except the woman who proposed it is...also Evil!!!


"- I know what I'll do. I'll fetch Blai. He's a cleric of Iomedae but he's third circle and ran a Worldwound fort and I bet he knows what to do in this situation."


Aspexia will huff, turn around and go look at the wall angrily while they go fetch Blai.




"- yes?"


"The committee on combating diabolism is trying to figure out if one of the delegates is Evil or not and we don't know enough about magic and I was hoping you could help us."


"I... did prepare Detect Evil but would be surprised if you didn't."


"I did but I used it earlier. That's not the thing. She has another spell up. She claims it's just a protective spell but the Inquisitor said it conceals Evil. Do you know anything about that?"

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