valia gives a speech
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"...Yes. Vote on that." 


This is Cheliax, not Galt, and Valia Wain, not Lucien Levasseur, and he's the archmage who helped depose Asmodeus himself and not a first-circle wizard in a river village at the end of the world hoping that his friend lived long enough for the peace of the final blade. He can pull himself together. 


Jilia is not angry at anything said of her. She's been called a collaborator a thousand times, and a dozen to her face. It's true. She couldn't do her job, her real job, without it.

She's angry that this girl thinks she's never made a mistake and is going to ruin as much as they let her touch until she makes a big one that she isn't saved from by miraculous archmage intervention.

She touches the hilt. It's still warm.


Oh good, the archmage is no longer broken. This means she can stop talking! She will be so happy to just vote for things and resume the things she's actually good at, like: assessing this place for where an angry mob is likely to break in, and how one might escape said angry mob through a window.


Victòria would not have been surprised in the slightest if every noble here had turned out to be Evil. She will... keep hugging Valia, because she doesn't really know what to say.


Liushna thinks about it for a moment, then uses her enfluffening hex and lays a wing tentatively on Valia's shoulder. 


Then Valia will give herself five minutes to weep for all the dead before she starts trying to pull herself together to appease the cowardly collaborator noble.


Blai would sort of like to be hugging Valia and sort of would like to have never met her and would sort of like to be waking up at three in the morning to find that he has been having a weird microsleep-dream in seminary and will now spend the next few days forced constantly awake with nothing to eat and no water until someone in his dormitory is chosen and can get the rest of them a drink. But those are all feelings, so they don't matter. He goes on mechanically taking notes on what non-feeling things are going on in case he needs to remember any of it later.


Liushna feels sorry for Valia for having to deal with this, and admires her for her bravery and her speech, and feels less alone than she has since she got here. She still has to wade through some deeply unreasonable people, but there are other people dealing with the same problem, and at least one of them looks at her and sees, immediately and instinctively, another person and not a weird monster. 


A peasant mob, dispersed before it could really get started, breaks down into it's component people. Enric emerges somewhat dazed and somewhat disappointed. The nobles made Valia flee, when she had every man brave and good enough to act standing in support? Yes, the nobles have their guards and spells, but does that compare to the protection of the goddess Iomedae and heaven waiting to receive the dead?

Why run, instead of rallying the people and finishing the work of putting every evil wizard and noble, every cleric of slavery and torture, every...

...Theopho, who the cleric of Iomedae said was at worst evil in the way a normal man might be, not a diabolist, but not everyone thought to ask

...Korva, not a diabolist or a noble or anything, who would probably go up too for having defended Theopho last morning

...Lluisa, a bit strange but she's never tried to buy his soul even once, and seems like some unknown not-evil type of lawyer 

...Jilla, who was the sneering noble arguing against Valia but still on the same side trying to get everyone rights, who even helped him understand how the rules worked in the committee 

Good gods, he feels sick. He feels his heartbeat in his chest and in his temples. Some part of him still wants to fight someone, break something. The rest of him wants to find somewhere quiet, where it's safe to sit down and breathe. 


Xavier is in favor of the committee on the law.


So's Jaon-Pau, who proposed it.


Alas and alack, the fun's over.


She will nod gratefully to Joan-Pau as she votes for the committee on the law. 


He watches the entire exchange without a word, stone-faced as always. But it isn't until things appear to cool that he loosens his grip on what's hidden up his sleeve. He will not allow this to descend into mob violence, not while he's here. He doesn't care who or what the cause.

It's not that she's wrong. She just has the wrong way to go about it. She reminds him of Élie: committed to doing what is Good, and saying so no matter what the cost. In a way, He admires her the same way he does his friend. But that doesn't mean he doesn't think her foolish.

He understands her revulsion at some of the monsters here—more than a few he would gladly rid the world of himself. But there will be time enough to root them out. Not everyone, not in the way she wants. Justice comes slowly, but better slowly than not at all, and there is no justice to be had at the hands of a mob.

If there is to be a committee on law, he supposes he should volunteer, though it seems somewhat redundant.


"...we should probably volunteer for that," she says quietly to Valia and the bird-person Valia is friends with, once Valia seems to be marginally okay. "I'm worried that a bunch of nobles are just going to join the committee and say that we don't need to change almost anything. But you're a priestess of Iomedae, so probably most people will listen to you if you tell them 'nobles shouldn't be punished less than regular people for breaking the same laws.'"

Trying to be on four committees is probably objectively unreasonable but what else is she going to do, not sign up for those committees?


Grow up. Do your job. "Yeah. We can go over and sign up once the vote passes."


The vote on the law committee passes, 304-83, with many abstentions. What a productive morning! So many committees were formed! Republicanism!!

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