Metadata: where the grapes of wrath are stored [open]
valia gives a speech
Status Complete
Audience Public
Word Count 11,509
  • lintamande: 2,678
  • Aevylmar: 1,225
  • JiSK: 1,091
  • Arete/Stars: 992
  • Alicorn: 923
  • Aestrix: 836
  • Calima: 793
  • Nscruiser: 532
  • MaggieoftheOwls: 450
  • QTesseract: 405
  • lux: 398
  • apprenticebard: 295
  • lantalótë: 216
  • bluejay: 194
  • Urock: 190
  • girllich: 111
  • harryisgamer: 49
  • Soon: 43
  • ray: 40
  • Numendil: 29
  • nonevah: 19
Time Begun
Time Last Updated