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A single weak Miracle on Earth. Wild stuff ensues.
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Mind answering some potentially clarifying questions? 


Some of them.


But it should be pretty clear from the rest that you aren't in Kansas anymore, so to speak.




You know, Jean is sort of an ordinary guy. And last week, he was expecting sort of an ordinary life.

Like, sure, he's got all the Miracle perks, but at this point, what, half the kids and a quarter of adults have them? It's not anything out of ordinary, at this point.

And sure, the society still haven't recovered from the shock, and it's anarchic, and sometimes Miracles gang up on other Miracles and teleport them who-knows-where, but you can stay out of adventures, and it's not unusual to mostly succeed.


Out here, it's not anarchic, but hardly anyone stays out of adventures for their whole life throughout. Something is going to go wrong somehow, and you're gonna accidentally drive into a different city while asleep in a bus, or have your car burned down by the mafia, or get involved in a drunken brawl, or have a play accidentally made about you, or spend a week away from home because your family is behaving unreasonably, or find a forgotten piece of history, or something. There's plausibly a billion things that happen in a human's life, so one of them is going to be one in a billion.


That's not the point.

The point is, Jean isn't a superhero. Or a survivalist, or a detective, or an epidemiologist. He's been not totally terrible at stuff he's had to do like a baseline would be, but that's incidental, not central.

And he did nothing to deserve this, poor kid.


Mhm, and Hitler was a painter.


Who's that? 


You don't wanna know.


The last time you told Earth to not worry about something, the thing you told that about was Huxley's Flu.


I just lied slightly more blatantly than usual!


So who's Hitler, Earth? 


So, back in early 20th century, after the First World War-


You mean the Great War? 







So, after the First World War, Germany got really owned and became especially resentful of everything.

Meanwhile, the rapid progress of broadcasting, flow-production of printed material and advertisement techniques have created powerful opportunities for centralized opinion-making, opportunities that the memetic landscape of early 20th century humanity wasn't ready for. Back then, people still thought words spoken within ads contain meaning.

It was in this atmosphere that the ontologically primitive particles of seeking-an-uncontested-hierarchy-by-popular-support-and-considering-it-a-moral-good within all humans have coalesced into a body of a failed Austrian painter.


Are you sure that those are ontologically primitive?


That's the opinion of our leading experts on the subject!

So, this walking incarnation of a specific kind of evil had a totally hypnotic charisma - as in, people would totally oppose him, and then listen to a recording of his speech and nod along. Now, we would consider that a positive quality on Earth, but he used that charisma to channel the overall resentment of people into willingness to commit unspeakable evils - starting from beating down political opponents for their mere opinions and later proceeding to killing peoples randomly blamed for everything at industrial scale, conducting heritage optimization, and preparing for bloody world conquest.


...okay. Wow. And everyone let him do all that?


At first, nobody took him seriously. Then, everyone was too scared, and started making concessions in hopes of appeasement.

Of course, there was no appeasing Hitler. He had a grand vision of creating a superior species of superhumans, and as a natural logical consequence of that, killing or enslaving everyone else.




And so the Second World War started. It was bloody, relentless, horrific. Britain withstood a rain of missiles and bombs. Soviet Union drowned in blood. China got defiled by Japan. Africa got used as a battleground for outsiders. America leveled two cities with nukes and one with incendiary carpet bombing.

Now we are wiser, of course! We have learned well that all humans are exactly equal both morally and instrumentally, except for when they aren't.

For enveloping the whole world in a tide of violence and death, for an ideology of racial hatred and power for the sake of power, and for trying to improve upon humans who, as humans, are perfect as they are, Hitler is consigned to the indisputable position of the most evil and hated man in history.


I am feeling intensely uncomfortable. 

Hey, Eris. Do I want to know what nukes are? 

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