In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
He lands on her lap!
That was part of the plan.
He has never encountered a bunk bed before and bumps his head immediately. That was not part of the plan. "Ow Bella Bella Bella ow I'm rescuing you!" he says.
"There's a one-year-old sitting on my knees talking about - something - in alien, can you hear it -"
Sofa hops down to have a look. "...well, uh, I can see him too if that was in doubt..."
" the sense that I don't have memories of you, not in the sense that I acknowledge having forgotten you."
I don't think the Valar did that but maybe they wouldn't have said since I was mad at them anyway.
Now there is a crying tiny child on her lap.
"Springing is weird," whispers Sofa. "What if you hug the alien and then it turns out they're allergic what then."
The Valar are the gods of my world. It might also be the gods here who did it I don't know.
Apparently the alien in her lap is just going to confusedly cry and cling to her for a minute.
And then - Pax has an r.