In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
Oh. Huh. We don't have that problem, we just started. I don't know if Materia has that problem.
"If your friend didn't mention it it probably isn't as big a deal for them as for us."
She did not mention not having enough space, just the not having science and the universe squishing you and the kings being meaner than our king which must be very mean because I don't like ours at all.
He's my dad.
"This is like the most boring telepathic alien ever, I want to sleep, go somewhere else."
"Okay." Pelape scoops Fëanáro up and manages to hold him in one arm so she can use the other to touch the wall for balance, and she goes into the living room and sits on a couch with him.
"I think you're really interesting, but Sofa's too tired and too three to be interested."
She is amazing. She is my favorite person. The Valar were horrible and awful and they should not be allowed to be in charge of people anymore.
"Depends. Some of the things they're stuck with because of the not enough room thing, like telling people how many kids they can have or not letting people immigrate from other countries, that's not their fault, but other times they make tradeoffs it's not so obvious they have to make."
...and you can't just wait to have kids until you have planets for them to live on because you die all the time. That's awful.
"Once we're all grown up, especially in the springtime, we really want to have babies. We have to wait and only have as many as the government of wherever we live allows, but it's awful."