"That was a bit of a pain in the ass," Ena mutters, kicking the dead vampire. "Anything interesting in that book?"
"I've found they're generally helpful for easy, tedious tasks. But killing your coworkers - or random, non-outlaw people - is bad, too."
Malielle had pulled all nighters before! ...Though she should probably eventually sleep at least some. So she's not yawning over her work tomorrow. Not a college student anymore, after all.
She bids Elana goodnight once it gets to 'probably technically tomorrow,' then heads to bed.
Ena's wandering the museum some. There's also a pair of ghosts that show up once the sun goes down.
Mostly the dragon claw and dragon priest mask display, at the moment.
"Hey," she says when she sees Elana. "Did you know one of the display halls is in a cave under the museum? Pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be open to the public, but it's pretty cool looking."
"Famous remains, a werewolf display section, some stuff I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to have. I'm tempted to donate some things, now. Anonymously, probably."
Ena shows her where the tomb on one end of the hall has a button, that causes it to recede into the wall, revealing steps down to a door. "Figured it out because I've seen something similar before. Plus the button doesn't fit well in its setting."
The cavern beyond the door is fairly poorly lit, consisting of islands connected by rope bridges, and contains what Ena described, plus two coffins, a throne, and a shrine to Molag Bal in one dark corner, and in another a statue of Hircine and some werewolf totems. There's a few weapons on display, too, and some miscellaneous other things - mostly jeweled items, a few of which Ena's able to identify as "Originally stolen a long while ago, the proper - and legal - thing for the museum would've been to return them to their owners."
"...Not entirely sure. I know the polite thing to do is return items to their heirs, not sure about the legal thing."