The Goddess ABADAR blesses all markets, but smiles most upon the markets of OSIRION. It is Her custom to choose a great merchant in that land and raise him to be Her consort, anointing him PHARAOH.

It was not so long ago as Gods count history that this union bore fruit, for the PHARAOH now enthroned is exceedingly virile, able to face the rigors of coupling with the Goddess.

SHAWIL was born fully-formed, clutching a ledger in one hand and a crossbow in the other, as large and strong as any adult man, into the vault of a great bank, and when the bankers entered the vault to count it, they were astonished, for they thought him at first a robber and yet by the bounty of the Goddess Abadar the gold in the vault had not diminished but DOUBLED. The greatest Fiducia of OSIRION entered the vault and addressed SHAWIL, saying "Stranger, it is a strange robber indeed that leaves the vault he enters more full." SHAWIL replied in the voice of a man grown, "No robber am I, but SHAWIL son of ABADAR my mother, and the PHARAOH is my father."

The assembled bankers were astonished, and grew more astonished as SHAWIL raised a finger, and each found his purse overfull to bursting with gold. Then SHAWIL walked outside and raised another finger, and the prices in the market were halved, and yet each merchant found his profit to double.

But the rejoicing of OSIRION was interrupted by the Spawn of ROVAGUG, who descended upon OSIRION in full wroth, drawn by the joy of prosperity. And the bankers were sore afraid, but SHAWIL raised his crossbow and fired a single bolt, and for a moment his countenance was too frightening for any man present to look upon. And the Spawn of ROVAGUG was slain, and its corpse hollowed and given to SHAWIL as his own palace.

And so it was that the son of Abadar came to live in OSIRION, and of his later great deeds more can be said than can fill a single pamphlet.