People of Cheliax! Hear the story of Pau Aiguafreda, a young but righteous boy slain viciously by his wicked relations!

It started when the people of the village of Gualba, in Ravounel, held a trial for Timoteu Aiguafreda, a prosperous farmer and one who had many dealings with the infernal nobility, and hundreds came to bear witness. Great was their wonder when a clear voice of a child proclaimed to all -

"My father was the willing tool of the diabolists. To this day, he aids the forces of Evil who hide among us. He helped some of them flee, and he helps the diabolist Arseni Campabadal in all ways. As a true worshipper of Good, I denounce my father. I ask that the court sentence him severely, to serve as an example to those who give aid to our enemies."

The court, swayed by the earnest plea of the twelve-year-old Pau but merciful in their fury, sentenced Timoteu Aiguafreda to ten years in the mines.

But this was not the end of the corrupt schemes of the diabolists in Gualba. Pau now lived in the household of his grandfather, Sergi Aiguafreda, and when he discovered his grandfather was stealing from his neighbors for the benefit of the diabolists, he reported this as well. His grandfather and his cousin Daniel had been making threats to him and had been beating him to unconsciousness, but he did not fear, and they could not stop him from doing his duty.

But the guards of the local baron were lazy and cowardly, and did not take action quickly. One day, Pau went to gather berries in the woods. Daniel and Sergi Aiguafreda did not hurry. They calmly waited for it to be time to stop their plowing for the day, and calmly, in full view of their neighbors, headed home.

On the way, they quietly and unnoticeably turned into the woods. Very close to home, they met Pau.

The murder was quick and brutal. A knife made short work of the young servant of heaven. Then they calmly returned home and sat down to dinner.

People of Cheliax! Remember Pau Aiguafreda! His murderers have been brought to justice, but many more like them walk among us! But remember, too, that there are legions of boys like Pau, and they will uncover the crimes of their own fathers, if need be, and in the end, they will triumph!