Dramatis personae.

Simplicio a dissolute third son of a wealthy Merchant and Financier of Voyages.
Fortis a humble and dutiful Longshoreman.
Oriol a learned Attorney, being a Portrayal of that certain notable Attorney who carries out the Practice of Law in Westcrown

S. I am bid by my Father supervise and direct the dutiful Longshoremen as they unload this Vessel heavily laden with a Bounty of Goods. Fie, I shall shirk this Tiresome Duty and carry on with Drink and Whores. Perhaps I shall seek out a debauched Den of Gambling as well.

F. I hear no warning from young master Simplicio, and will proceed along the Gangway. Alas, I am laid low by a Collision, and am gravely Injured!

S. Another Dock-Drudge is Injured? I shall cause his Pay to be Garnished, for his Indolence.

F. Woe that the dissolute young master has been Callous as well as Negligent!

O. My good man, what troubles you so?

F. Learned Attorney, I am laid low by an Injury no Fault of mine, but caused by the Negligence of my Employer's dissolute Son Simplicio, who shirked his duty to carry on with Drink and Whores. Moreover, he has attributed the Fault unjustly, and Garnished my Pay.

O. I am wroth at this Injustice, good Fortis. I shall pursue your Suit assiduously.

S. Woe that my Ill-Doings are Exposed in High Court, and that I am Disinherited to pay that good Longshoreman called Fortis!

F. That learned and skilled Barrister Oriol has redressed all Wrongs done to me, causing me to be paid ample Coin in Settlement!

O. It is no less than I would do for any man who may Engage my Representation by seeking me out at my Office, opposite the Sign of Three Boats in the East Riverside.

F. And no less than is to be expected from that renowned Attorney who attended the very Constitutional Convention of the Realm!