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On the Purification of Cheliax from Asmodeus' Poison
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THERE is a Poison in the Veins of our People that must be PURIFIED. There is a Sickness in the heart of ALL Cheliax, in ALL of her People, in your heart and in mine. This Corruption is the work of Asmodeus, and the destruction of His Government and His Queen is only the First Step in the abolition of His Work, and we must not forget that Our Work must be to excise the Parasite of Asmodeus from our Soul.

The Precepts of Asmodeus are PRIDE, TYRANNY, SLAVERY, and CONTRACTS, and we call on all of his Enemies to reject them in all their forms, to deny their followers any Comfort and Aid, to hunt them to the ends of Golarion and free all the Citizens of Cheliax and the Denizens of the World from His Darkness and His Flame.

The ABOLITION of PRIDE is the vanguard of our movement, that we may not be Complacent in the state of our People and consider ourselves Good when we have only taken one step from Evil. Those committed to this Work must destroy the Pride the people of Cheliax have felt in being servants of Asmodeus, and that we are not Superior to others because of our Capacity for Pain, nor for how high we rose in Asmodean hierarchy, nor for our ability to Rule over others using fear. Indeed, these are all Weaknesses instead of Strengths, and until we have unlearned our Pride we cannot take further steps into abolishing the other tenets of Asmodeus.

The ABOLITION of TYRANNY and SLAVERY is not simply the Abolition of the old Monarchy and the old Church, but the Abolition of Every Monarch and of Every Priest. Do not bow your head to the Priest of Iomedae or the Priest of Erastil or the Priest of Pharasma or the Priest of Desna, who ape and mock the Asmodean Hierarchy with Hierarchies of their OWN, who place themselves Above You, whose ironic rejection of Asmodeus only serves to hide the worship of the same Master, Hierarchy. Do not Follow a God or one of his Priests, for in doing so you only Substitute one master for another, and when the next Civil War comes in ten years or one hundred, those who have Bowed to another Hierarchy will once again find themselves in Asmodeus's Grip once more.

Not simply the Dominion of Church and Crown must be abolished, but the Dominion of Duke, Count, and Baron, and the Dominion of Landowner and Tenant, and the Dominion of Servant and Employer, of Teacher and Student, of Permiteer and Traveler, of Father and Son. We Must accept the Equality of All in order to banish Asmodeus from our veins. Do not defer to the wishes of your Master but reject them and act as an Individual. Do not give orders to your servant but command them to live as their own being, independent of your wishes. Rise up against any Masters who attempt to enforce the Precepts of Asmodeus on you!

The ABOLITION of TYRANNY must not only abolish the Dominion of Man over Man, but also of Man over Wife and Daughter, and also of Man over Dog and Horse, and also of Man over Wheat and River. Do not order your Wife or Horse to do your bidding, but command them to live and their own being, independent of your wishes. Do not take from the fields and the river except as they Consent to give to you. Do not train a dog but let it live free from your Commands and your Tyranny—that So Called Protection we grant to Our Dogs and Our Wives and Our Daughters is a Cage.

The ABOLITION of CONTRACTS is the foremost and final act of Anti Asmodeanism. We must abolish all Debts, all Ownership, all Papers and Materials which preserve an Obligation of one to the other. We Must Deprive the Estates their Leashes on the Populace, and Refuse to be Held by Promises should we find ourselves Waylaid into the Trap of Asmodeanism. Each day is Anew, and there shall be No Preservation of Intent across time that Evil can use to trap us in the past like Fools who cannot react to the Moment.

The LAYERS of HELL provide a concrete guide for what Shapes and Forms our new Country should take. The first Layer of Hell is Avernus, where souls are judged. Therefore we must aim for the Abolition of Judges and their Judgements, for they are tools of Asmodeus. The second Layer of Hell is Dis, a city ruled by Dispater, and therefore we must aim for the Abolition of Cities, for they are a breeding ground of those things which Asmodeus venerates. The third Layer of Hell is Erebus, a great swamp, and therefore we must drain and fill all of the swamps, marshes, and bogland of Cheliax to be free from the Bad Air of Hell. The fourth Layer of Hell is Phlegethus, a forge where souls are turned into weapons, and likewise we must abandon forges where iron is turned into weapons, for all weapons are Weapons of Asmodeus. The fifth Layer of Hell is Stygius, a whorehouse of sin, and therefore we must adopt Celibacy in our land, as many foreign countries practice, to avoid the disease of Asmodeus spread by venereal contract. The sixth Layer of Hell is Malbogius, a forest from whence the Evillest monsters spill, and therefore the Forests of Cheliax must be Felled so that the monsters of Asmodeus can no longer spill forth and kill us.

Of the seventh, eighth, and ninth layers of hell NOTHING is known, and so to evict the Poison of Asmodeus from our People we must abolish Secrets, and share all of our knowledge with our brethren. Go unto your neighbor and spill all your secrets, and put yourself at their mercy, and then hear their secrets, and give them your mercy, and then rise together united in Opposition to Asmodeus.

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This is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen this is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen this is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen this is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen this is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen this is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen this is a legal and permissible use of freedom of the pen aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAH


Mmhm, yeah...


Sure why n- what?


What the actual - she's not going to read this aloud -

- maybe she will actually, she'll stack some crates up and have Eloi declaim it in his piping little voice, and take a step higher every time it get sillier, and then she'll mime mopping his fevered brow and putting him in a sickbed after he topples off the edifice into her arms. It's good for people to have an idea of the range of thoughts out there, but this one really calls for some framing.


Is this really what this country is coming to? He wasn't even fully resigned to just being a fisherman and this would make it all but impossible to even be that! Is he supposed to ask the river nicely??? Is this what he has to pretend to believe now???


Thoughts on the antidote.

It’s got some good points! Amongst the swamp fever thoughts it had some good points about Asmodeanism.

Don’t be proud of being a stupid diabolist. Asmodeus is the worst and you suck for serving him. I like the anti tyranny part! You can still have people do stuff for you if you give them gold, then they do it for the gold and not for hierarchy. Contracts are pretty annoying sometimes! When described as something that binds future acts they do seem pretty tyrannical! 

The layers of hell part is where it starts getting a bit deranged. Being anti judgements and judges makes sense in a country where everyone in power served hell. Pharasma is the ultimate judge and they suck too. But no more sex? No more forests? No more cities? Someone ate too many bad mushrooms. Forests are where the owlbears live! Without forests what would I hunt in!

The no secrets part actually sounds kind of nice? It seems a great way to remove the threat of people using secrets against you if everyone just knows everything. Seems a great way to cripple an Asmodean lever of power. It’s not all swamp fever thoughts. There are giblets of insight to pick from this carcass.

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