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"...but I think we shouldn't turn people into undead at all, but if" the nobleman "other people don't want that, I'd rather say that you can't turn anyone into undead except criminals? ...Can we vote on not turning anyone into undead first?"


"I agreed to stop getting in the way if they had a good cleric saying this wasn't the line, and Tetula did. I'm not voting either way, if that's a thing I can do." 


Jilia is too dignified and Chelish to pinch her nose in frustration at Victoria.

"There are many ways in which we could structure this vote and order the pieces. As chair, I have chosen this one, because I think it is better for the committee as individuals and as a project. I am avoiding using my position overly much, because it defeats the point of this committee if it's my views rather than the group's, but we can't be arguing over procedure every time or we'll be here for months. Please just vote on this proposal, and we'll move to the other one next if the first fails. I assure you, if the committee bans the lesser evil, I will still want to ban the greater one."

"Yes, Delegate Porras, you can. You would say 'I abstain.'" Or 'Present.', but that might take explanation and it's equivalent so she's not going to mention it.


"I don't like the 'except' part and don't care for the taste of voting for it with that part in. Makes it sound sneaky. I'd rather have the right for some people than nobody at all, but...."


She sighs, which is performative but probably doesn't look it to most people.

"We don't have infinite time today. I'm postponing this vote for a later day, and I'll consider whether there's a better way to structure it so everyone's heard, before we vote on it." And also ask Xavier how much of a benefit he really thinks it is, and whether it's worth bothering.


Oh good, she doesn't have to be that person and quibble about whether you can make people undead without the option of execution if you say the thing they did was a severe capital crime.


Hope this committee is ready for the best treatise comparing the ways different countries run mines a barely-literate not-at-all-well-traveled farmer with only a few days of research can create. 


"Alright. Malediction? Right not to be maledicted, to Hell or any lower plane. I vote in favor."

She considers adding 'involuntarily', but can't think of a madman who might want that because she hasn't spoken to the King-in-Irons or a Chelish Baphomet cultist.


"In favor."


"In favor!"


“In favor.”

Enric is watching out for someone to suddenly disagree, since he recently found out some people here are actually in favor messing with death and afterlives.


"In favor!" he says firmly.


"Yes, of course."


"In favor."


"Passes unanimously, good."

"I want to discuss more on how we define torture and forced children  before we vote on those, so for today I'd like the last vote to be on rape*. Right of all citizens not to be raped... male** or female. I vote in favor."

(*very narrow sympathetic-victim version again)
(**No, this doesn't include female-on-male rape.)


"In favor."


"In favor."


('s possible to rape men? That's... obviously still awful... but how?)

"In favor."


“In favor”

Why are we voting on the ones it’s obvious everyone… oh wait.


"In favor."


"Also unanimous. I think that's enough for today, and thank you all. We can keep considering this category of rights when we meet tomorrow, and see how far we get."

Here Ends This Thread
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