Ellie and Thario in MO
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Maya follows, flaring her aura yellow again and looking around.


Blue also follows, as is to be expected.


As does Elleira.


There is: a street! It is slightly bigger than she probably remembers, contains a few small trees along the sidewalk, actually contains some non-skyscrapers as well as some skyscrapers, and appears to be quite a lot more consistent in its façade than it seemed from the back of the buildings.

Blue translates a few of the signs – there's a pharmacy, a delicatessen, an office block and a store that sells some bits of technology. The technology is likely rudimentary by Elleira's standards, but seems approximately modern to Thario and Blue.


Maya, not having yet entered the store for they have not yet decided to do so, cannot comment on how modern the technology seems to her.


"We might want to stop at the pharmacy, see if they have anything potentially useful."


Maya looks down at her arm. "I'm not going to die of this, and it's not that bad – it was just jarring with the weird white cloud, but yeah, it's probably a good idea anyway."


Thario looks at it and says, "Yeah, probably a good idea."

So over to the pharmacy they go! It has, as everyone knows is the universal symbol for a pharmacy, a symbol that looks like an upside down 'V' in blue. Except, wait, Thario doesn't know that as the universal symbol.


… Nor does Maya? It's a green cross where she's from.

She looks through the window before they go in, in case it's infested with alligators or something!


That's not the symbol where Elleira's from either.

Anything suspicious inside?


There does not appear to be! It's well-lit, does not contain any ominous animals or clouds or small critters or anything except for a few shelves that could potentially conceal some of these things!

The shelves seem to have interesting things on them, though. Maya decides to go in and look around, though she can't understand most of what's around– until she flares her aura red.

Magic: so useful.


Thario also goes in and translates things if Elleira's curious.


Blue decides to wait outside for now.


Yes, what has it got?


It has: various vitamin supplements, some sanitary items, some contraceptives – for, apparently, a humanoid species – as well as a few small-ish medical things that you might put into a first aid box: bandages, tape, band-aids, something that Thario thinks is like aspirin but it's kinda difficult to translate the medical name, apparently, and various other small items, such as tweezers and thermometers.

If they look around the back of the counter, there also seem to be some pills! Both in bottles and in blister packs, for a variety of different things such as stronger pain relief or soporifics or stimulants. Also some other drugs in different forms – there seems to be various liquid equivalents, presumably for children.

Thario grabs a few of the stronger pain medications and grabs some stimulants, since they seem quite good quality.

Also a knife. They have some blades tucked away in a corner for medical use.


She'll take a selection of the more... interesting drugs, as well as some of the basic supplies.


Maya opts to just grab a few stimulants, then they're probably done here.

She goes out to Blue.


"Where next?" asks Thario, coming out behind her.


"I'm kinda curious about the technology store? The food might be nice too but I'm surviving okay so far and I have no idea when this place will turn on me and the technology seems like it might be more useful."


"It looks somewhat primitive to me."


"… I could go look in there while you guys– I dunno, go to the delicatessen presumably or look around elsewhere? Unless you want to go into the office block."


Blue shrugs.


"Food would be nice. I will go there."


"I'll come with, in that case."

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