Ellie and Thario in MO
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She did mention the thing about Sith not needing handrails, didn't she?

What happens if she pokes one of the rocks with the sword?


It moves down slightly!

… It seems to slow down and stop and then move slowly back into place. Greater force makes it move further, but it does seem to stop.

It should– hopefully not drop her into the river? They seem to mostly stay upright


Well, one way to find out.

She moves quickly and lightly over the bridge, stepping on each stone for only the briefest time possible.


They drop quite a lot as she steps onto them but if she moves onto the next one before it drops too low, she can successfully jump to the next stone!

None of them seem to even get close to touching the water, but then again, she's not continuing to stand on them.

And then there's unfortunately a bit of a gap where the stones seem to have disappeared. Quite far away from both edges of the river.

She can probably jump it. You know, if she's extremely careful to push off the last stone hard enough.


Hard push, Force-assisted leap.


She– does not quite jump far enough to make it to standing on the stone at the other side of the gap! She can grab hold of it and hope she doesn't fall off, though, hope it doesn't lower her too far down or drop her into the water or mysteriously fail like the other stones apparently have?

This might not have been the best move.


She doesn't need very much leverage to get herself back to a standing position. Even if she can just grab it with her hands, that's enough.


She can get back to standing then, she'll notice that the rock seems to be climbing back up steadily, and she should be able to just drag the next rock down slightly and then use it and the next one to hop back up to her previous pace of jumping along the stones!


That's helpful of it. She does so, and goes back to skipping along the bridge.


She will get to the other side! Then she will note that she needs to go, again, approximately thataway.

There doesn't seem to be much there. A few glowing mushrooms. A couple of glowing areas of stone that she should probably avoid! They are very much things she should avoid and she should note how dangerous they are if she goes near them! And then she'll come to a wall and she'll need to decide if she wants to go left or right.

(This wall is not jumpable.)


She goes thataway. Mushrooms are ignored, dangerous glowing areas are avoided.

At the wall... she'll go left again. Might as well.


… Hm, after a couple of minutes it seems like she's going the wrong thataway if she goes left.

Is she sure she wants to go left?


She's not attached irrevocably to left. She can reverse course and try right.


Right… feels like it's a bit better as a thataway!

She will notice a gap in the wall when she's been moving for about four minutes, and she will notice that it's rather thin and seems to extend upwards a lot, almost like the wall has just been pulled apart!

… It's quite a narrow gap. If the walls were to move while she went down it, she could get squished.



Is it very important that she go through this gap?


Well, she could try not going through the gap but she'll notice that she's going the wrong way.


Sigh. Okay. Through the gap as quickly as possible.


That seems like a wise decision!

The gap lasts for a while, though!



She sidles quickly.


It's quite a while.

It also seems to get slightly darker.

… She's definitely going the right way, though.


That's something, at least.

Sidle sidle.


After a while, she notes that the walls mysteriously disappear!

Like, actually disappear. She can't see them even if she looks back where she came from.

The life-forms are probably really close, though, and she can sort of work out where they are? So perhaps she should go that way.


Good riddance to them.

She heads for the life-forms.


It seems slightly foggy!

After a couple of minutes, she will notice a (human) body on the ground.

It seems to be trying to crawl away from her. Unfortunately it is missing a hand. And more importantly, one of its legs is very broken. The other one…? Actually, probably also broken, seeing how it's angled.

There is also a small furry thing trying to help it – or him? – along, but unfortunately it's very small and, well, cannot really help much.


She walks around in front of him and crouches down.


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