Ellie and Thario in MO
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Well, she can place Tyler on top, sure!


Let's take the sword out first, assuming she doesn't get a sudden premonition of danger when she reaches for it.


Nope! No sudden premonition of danger… unless she's intending to slice herself?


No, just take it so she has something to discourage curiosity about the contents of the sarcophagus if necessary. She grabs the book from Tyler's pocket as well.

Sword out, body in, lid back on.


Nothing prevents her from doing this.


Good. Still no sign of Thario?


Still none!


She'll head back the way they came, then.


She can do that!

And then after a short while, there's a turning off left. There are, if she looks closely, a few shoeprints in the dust, indicating that someone has come this way recently.

(Is that a shorter distance than it was? Maybe.)


Probably, but meh. Follow the tracks.


She stumbles upon a huge chamber! It's really huge. It's… possibly the distance from the huge trees to the lake in width? Approximately?

She can't, however, make out much of what's happening further than about fifty meters from herself. It gets– a bit blurry.

Shame she left that deer with Blue, isn't it.


Little bit, yeah. But hey. She's got the Force. That's worth something.

She sets out across.


Well, it lets her detect that there are lifeforms somewhere! But, you know, they're sort of… thataway? And thataway seems to change which 'that' and which 'way' it is depending on how she looks (metaphorically and literally) at it and how she squints and where she is when she's doing it.

Ultimately, it's slightly confusing and apparently doesn't seem like it's wants to be normal about its geometry.

But! That way is more consistently the thataway than that way so she should probably try the first-that way. Right?


Seems as good a course as any, and better than some. Sure.


That way: takes her to a river!

… It would appear the life-forms have crossed it somehow!

… It is not immediately evident how seeing as the current seems rather fast!

(Perhaps she should look for a bridge. Or maybe she could try jumping it, if she uses the Force?)


How wide is it? Can she see the bottom?


It is: very wide! Wider than the fifty meters before things get blurry, and probably more than sixty but prrrrobably less than three hundred.

She can in fact see the bottom! It only appears to be about two meters deep (give or take a couple of meters in various spots), but the current is very fast.


Too far to jump. She'll look for a bridge.


Which direction does she pick – left or right? (She can't see a bridge immediately in either direction.)


Hmm... Left. Left worked last time, let's try it again.


She can get about a hundred meters before she comes across a small wall!

Would she like to jump up over it (presumably she can do this with the Force), or would she like to turn back the way she came?


How about she just jumps up to see what's on the other side, but doesn't jump all the way over yet.


… It seems to be a cliff. The ground continues quite evenly at the new height.


Okay then. She jumps a little higher, and lands on top.


Then she can continue her progress along the riverbank, a few meters up from where she was previously.

The current gets slightly higher up here, as is to be expected with rising riverbanks (maybe) especially since she's going upstream!


After about fifteen minutes, she will stumble upon a small bridge. Well, it's more like a small stone pavement that crosses the water, seeing as there's no handrail, the bridge is really rather narrow, and also it seems slightly impossible that it manages to stand up as it does?

… Especially since the separate bits of stone used for the bridge are extremely thin and also have– um, gaps? Gaps between the individual stones.

Apparently the bridge is just levitating in place, quite content to be extremely horrifyingly unsafe, and the river goes past very quickly beneath it.

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