Ellie and Thario in MO
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… Does rainforest count?


No, not really.





Elleira considers how to kill her companions, should it become necessary. Thario should be fairly straightforward, likewise Victoria. Tyler would be a challenge. Flight gives him a maneuverability advantage, and his hydrokinesis seems capable of impressive flexibility. A straight fight would be a dicey proposition. Better to take him by surprise, while he's asleep, if possible. Assuming Formed do sleep.


Well, he hasn't slept yet! Who knows. Maybe she should ask him.

Next up: plains. With an open lava pit.

Alternatively, if that doesn't work, swamp? How about area with lots of really deep puddles? Or the weird place with lots and lots of crystals? Or, or! There's one place with a bunch of really tall cliffs. Then there's a place where there are a bunch of cracks in the ground and you can't see to the bottom. And there's a floating island. And there's a huge sandy place with colors of various types.

Surely one of these must be interesting?


Crystals might be interesting. Let's have a look at the crystals.


Crystals: are blue!

Also red.

Also purple.

In fact, they come in lots of different colors. They're also rather large, come in clusters and appear all over the area, and some of them glow!

Tyler sets them down in a small clearing. The floor: is colorless crystal. Looking down, however, just provides you with a slight sense of confusion. It's slightly disturbing.


"So who wants to go poke one?" asks Victoria.


"Thario, probably."




So he moves over to one of the red crystals and taps it!

… Then he looks at his hand because um what the fuck where did it go.


… Uh, is it bleeding?


What the fuck do you think his hand is missing because of the red crystal of fucking course it's bleeding


Well, it could have just turned his hand invisible.

She pulls her saber out. "Do you want me to cauterize that?"


Yes, he seems to scream with his body language.

No, seriously, it's sort of piercingly loud body language. She might really want to go cauterize it, because he seems really serious about it.


"Hold it out, and hold still."

She waits for him to do so, then brings her blade around in an overhand slash that brushes the tip of his stump. He feels a brief flash of heat when it does so, then the pain of a severe burn. But at least he's not bleeding anymore.


Yes in-fucking-deed he's not bleeding anymore and fuck he screams because have you ever had your hand disappeared and then cauterized? No, you almost certainly haven't, so you don't get to fucking comment.


Note to self: find a better guinea pig.


Or a quieter one, at least. How long is he going to keep screaming like that?


It was only a short scream but it was loud and now he's just holding his arm and his stump and trying to cut down the pain and try to not focus on the fact that he has lost a hand.


His keriol doesn't really seem to know what to do and is just lying across his feet, making sure to stay away from any of the crystals.


She rummages through her satchel. Does she have any- aha, yes. Two hyposprays of kolto.

"Want something for the pain?"


"Yes," he grunts in pain (literally grunts, as in composed of grunts). "That would be nice."

(Still intelligible, though. Useful translation magic.)


He can have half of one of the kolto shots then. Not as good as a full one would be, but it cuts the pain to near nothing almost instantly.


Thank you.

"So what do I try next then, seeing as I'm becoming the sacrificial– whatever? Maybe the purple one?"

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