Ellie and Thario in MO
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...Bunnies are bad news.


It might have been that the one bunny was an exception, okay? That one was gray.

This one is pink!


Tyler eyes it suspiciously and flings a bit of water at it.

Apparently he keeps water on him somewhere?


The bunny jumps a bit when hit with water.

Does not do anything else except move slowly around near the entrance.


Well, a quick and easy test to see if this bunny is really bad news is to see if another one suddenly reappears if she flings this one away.


The bunny is Force-punted out the mouth of the cave.


The bunny flies through the waterfall and, a few seconds later, appears to make a splash in the water below.

No other bunny seems to be forthcoming.


"So," says Tyler. "Should we continue exploring or just go back to that lake?"

It is still night. It has been night for a while and continues not to impede their vision much.


"Let's keep going. It hasn't been that long."


He eyes Victoria and suggests that they try something else for transport.

The 'something else' turns out to be a little puddle of water, solidified and moved through the air as he flies.

He can give it handrails or turn it into a bubble if desired.


Handrails are for people who aren't Sith. Elleira does not require any.


Victoria has wings, so she doesn't actually need to be transported, but she cannot fly very quickly so she also opts for the water thing.


… Thario might as well take it too. He's good at running but Tyler can fly quicker.

Handrail please.


And then, presumably, they're off?


They are!

There is a heck of a lot of forest, but Tyler can actually speed up to rather extreme speeds when he doesn't feel the need to slow down.

He makes sure they aren't too affected by the wind. Solid water makes a relatively good windbreak. Yay for ingenuity.



After a while, there is: a volcano!

… It appears to be active. Thario signs for Tyler to please go very far around it so they don't all die of ash inhalation or some such.


Tyler seems sort of like he wants to go look at it, but sure, he can go around.


Elleira's curiosity about the volcano will be satisfied by the view she can get from a distance.


And they will go around the volcano, staying far away, and then they will find an ocean!

… Do they want to go over the ocean to see if there's another continent nearby, or do they want to continue along the (very green) coastline, or…?


She votes coastline.


He decides to continue in the same general direction that they've been going in but along the coastline, in that case!

There are various animals beneath them. Apparently it has decided to be more consistent about wildlife.


Maybe they can find another ferret test subject when they land, then.


Does she want to land? If so, she can probably flag Tyler down – he seems to be looking over at Thario every so often.


Only if there's something more interesting than 'forest'.

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