Ellie and Thario in MO
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Thario sees the ferret and eyes it slightly warily!


Aleir, Thario's keriol, decides that it wants to get closer!


The ferret noses its way over to the keriol, looks at it somewhat inquisitively, and– still does not bite!

It might honestly be a nice ferret.


… It still doesn't seem to have turned mean by the time Tyler comes back!

He has two rather large fish – mysteriously having bore holes through them, perhaps he killed them with water – and also a cephalopod! They look potentially edible.

It's still night, though it doesn't actually seem to be varying in brightness very much. Maybe this place just has two settings – 'light' and 'dark'?


Thario looks at the cephalopod with… slight disgust. "I think I might go look for some plants," he says.


"I'll go with you, gather some firewood."



His keriol starts moving with him when he gets up.


Tyler places the fish onto a rock after quickly cleaning it off with some water, then goes back out over the lake.


The ferret looks like it wants to join Elleira and Thario! It sort of perks up and then stands up and– looks at Elleira sort of curiously but apparently trying to stick back in case she doesn't want to be followed.


Fine. But she's watching you, ferret.


The lizard gives it an encouraging nosebump.


It jumps forwards and follows after them, seeming rather content in its life's path right now.


Into the forest they go, then! Between the trees, through the narrow gaps, and as soon as they're in a few meters they find that the trees are nowhere near as dense!

The trees past the perimeter actually seem rather colorful. Mainly the leaves, but as they get further in there are a few colorful berries and fruits.

The book does not glow. Thario gets it out anyway and opens it, and… appears to frown at it in confusion!


"It's blurrier than it was. Probably because of Tyler?" Headtilt. "Also seems to have transcribed what I've been signing, so there's a lot of repetition, and– uh, it seems to mention that apparently the blue-hair rock wasn't just a blue hair rock? Apparently it also would have cut my lifespan in half, so um, lucky I got that fixed?"


"Guess we should have consulted it earlier. Anything else that would have been useful?"


"Well, whatever it had about the tree – you said something about saving me from the bunny with it? – seems to be gone, so apparently it doesn't keep everything?"


"Of course not, because that would be helpful."


"I could try copying stuff down in case we need to keep it, but maybe it'll reappear if we go find that tree again?" Shrug– freeze.

"Apparently whatever was saying Mirroculus has decided to stop," he says. Hesitantly.


"Yeah," he says. "So, um, want to try one of the fruits?"


Elleira takes one and regards it skeptically.


It's very red! It looks juicy, though, and surely will do her no harm.


Yeah, right.

Hey little ferret buddy, want to try some fruit? Call it a peace offering.

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