Ellie and Thario in MO
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He can do that!

Then shortly, he'll drop her off outside one of the interesting buildings and go fetch Thario.


And what's so interesting about this building?


It's not empty!

It seems to be separated into rooms, and each of these rooms… has glass walls. And glass ceilings. And slight holes between them to get from one to the other, also in the ceiling, and there seem to be plenty of objects inside it – such as various desks and computers – and the glass doesn't seem to be shattering.

Maybe it's not glass. Maybe it's some sort of strong plastic.


Tyler gets back with Thario.

"Weird, isn't it?"


"Yes, rather. The builders evidently did not value privacy."


… The glass goes opaque when she says that. Like the walls are hollow but smoke has been blown into them or something.

Weirdly milky-white opaque walls. And holes between the variously sized rooms.

Thario sighs.


"Or not. I wonder what the mechanism is?"


"Privacy?" he tries. No response.

Then he's about to say something else, and Elleira gets a warning of impending danger. Specifically, objects falling from above and crushing her.



She leaps out of the way, extending a hand and dragging the others with her.


… The danger seems to stop as soon as she interrupts Theo.

The others are dragged anyway.


"Okay, whatever you were about to say, don't."


"… Okay," he says. "Can I keep trying things and you warn me if it's dangerous or should I just stop while we explore?"


"I only get a few seconds. But I don't think this place would get less dangerous if you didn't try things, and we might miss something."


"Okay," he says, then starts trying some words. "Red. Blue. Color. Transparent–"

That gets a response! It goes transparent, as it was before.


Tyler looks around, trying to take in the details in case there's anything interesting.


Elleira will... search through desks, letting her instinct guide her.


She finds a lot of keys? Lots of sets of keys. A few pencils, various calculators, and a flashlight?

… The flashlight seems interesting. It's not really clear why it seems interesting, but it most definitely does.


She tries clicking it on and off.


It doesn't seem to work! Peculiar.


"… Does anybody know why a glass might be interesting?" asks Thario. Fortunately they are close enough to hear each other.


"… How about a pair of headphones? Mysteriously interesting headphones."


"Or a flashlight? Perhaps they do something together, though I can't see how or why."


Huh, you know, that pad of paper over there looks quite interesting too.

… Is she getting a bit of a danger sense? It's not really clear what it might be from.


"I think it's time we left this building. Don't bring anything with you."


Thario starts to say something, sounding like it might be a protest, then cuts himself off.

"Um. Yeah."

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