beka is portalsnaked to evil arda
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I think I could do three but I am increasingly skeptical that this will stop at three. I would invite other good singers to come over so you can have your pick of them but I worry that ...yous.... who had to pick someone else would be sad...obviously if you are not getting laid enough and you find someone else then that's fine, I'm definitely not going to tell people to keep their hands off my yous collection, but I would feel strange about doing any orchestrating. 


We could just do each other but I don't think either of the other ones like girls, they didn't check me out.


 - giggle. Beka mentioned paying Thuringwethil with sex for things. I guess that doesn't technically require being into girls, Thuringwethil can shapeshift.


If she was doing it to pay for stuff it doesn't mean she was into it at all.


That too, I guess. 


She thinks sex workers in Amenta usually only take clients of sex(es) they're attracted to but not all of them and they probably have more client base options, and usually don't filter for things like being ugly!


I can imagine trading sex for favors with a woman but never ever with a man no matter what but, I guess, in Angband 'no matter what' looks different.


She imagines the range of favors one might need in some kinda torture castle get pretty dire!


Can Rabka also get snuggles?


Yes, yes, she can. And singing, Rabka has not yet heard him sing.


Oh boy!!!


He can teach some simple magic songs on their way back to the city!


Best walking-into-a-magic result ever. Well, this didn't happen when she walked in, she was there for a while yelling at her owner.


He was gonna sell the baby.


Once we figure out how to kill gods it sounds like there are a lot of worlds that need - something.


That'd be sweet.


Squeeze. Sigh.


It's not that I want to impose how I think people should be on them, I don't, I'm not like that. But. Everyone should be able to leave, maybe we can arrange that.


Babies cannot decide to leave.


Babies should never be taken from their parents unless their dad is evil in which case they should never be taken from their mother.


Well then you've just started making rules about what's evil, not that Rabka's complaining.


Yeah. Shiver. King'll probably be better at that kind of thing, I hate thinking about it.


Who's the king?


Macalaurë's brother! He looks like this, his city looks like this, he is competent and driven and dangerous and it's good they have him as King.

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