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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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I think you should also err on the side of giving people information they'd be hurt by, among Quendi.


I have been doing some of that. Watching people hurt hurts me, though, if I'm going to start doing more of it I want to be in a little more stable place first.


Of course. And it's long past time I figured out how to be helpful to that, or at least much less of a barrier to it.


Well, uh.

I'm planning to talk to Findekáno about what we talked about last night, this evening. And I'm pretty sure there isn't a way to put that that isn't going to really upset them. So maybe not today, for talking to them about me?


Fair enough.


He reacts very well to upsetting news, it's one of his best qualities.


Nod. Even so I don't think this is going to be easy.


...I should maybe ask you about that, it might help - it's kind of obvious that you two are or at least were partners, but I mentioned that and they tried to make me think I must be mistaken and I don't know why. It didn't sound like they considered you estranged, at least in that context, either.


We're cousins. Is that not a thing kobolds have?


We don't track family relationships like that, no.


Well, cousins are often very close to each other, among my people. In a completely different way than partners, people'd be upset if you suggested cousins were partners, but the closeness is what you'd pick up on.


Here is a kobold who is really not buying that.




In your community emotional intimacy is exclusively reserved for partners?


All right, fine, she will let it go.


You will hurt people if you suggest their relationships are close or strong because they're sexual. In particular if it's two men, but in general.


She is briefly very confused.

That's not what I was trying to say, I guess there was a translation problem? Partnerships are close and strong and, usually, sexual, but they're only occasionally close and strong because of that.


Ah, yes. Okay. If you say 'partner' people will think you mean 'sexual'. If you say 'best friend' or something then the conversation follows perfectly.


...all right. That still doesn't add up but she really doesn't want to poke at it more directly than that.


Without more to go off he can't come up with anything better.


...type doesn't matter at all among kobolds, by the way. Not that it's going to come up, I suppose.


If it's not that, I'm confused what I'm supposed to be keeping an eye out for when I make sure you're not alone together.


Oh, the hallucinations of my cousin want sex. Not - not as a part of a relationship, as a way of amending for wrongdoing. It's a concept our people have.





....okay that adds up. Also, wow that's seriously messed up.


Yes. He'll be distressed. He should probably know anyway.


Nod. Yeah. Sigh.

Goona murder that god.


I appreciate it. I am sorry for telling you more than you'd want to know, on all this.


It's fine. This is exactly what Speakers are for.


I guess I needed some Speaking, while I got my memories and head in order. I appreciate it.

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