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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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So dropping fallen rocks on their head will help but probably isn't going to do it. Any idea what would?


Opening a portal in the middle of him ought to at least ruin his day. I don't think he can teleport between dimensions so what we eventually will want to do is teleport him somewhere completely safe where nothing can send him back, but I know we don't know how to find those yet...


Nod. We can work on it. Getting the magic detecting spell form might help. I don't know exactly what it can do, but if we're lucky I can use it to check worlds for magic like I can check them for people.


Okay. And that requires sending someone to your world, and checking if it can be acquired over osanwe....


And getting them the light form to learn to cast with first, unless there's someone you're absolutely sure won't be tempted by it.


None of us are going to do something that might get us pointlessly killed.


She makes a dubious face. It happens among kobolds sometimes even with the light form, and I've never actually been a new mage like that, I don't actually know what it's like - I'd rather be safe. Plus we can probably get both of those at the same place, it's not that big of a deal.


Sure. But it sounds like kobolds are a lot younger than us and think a bit differently, I wouldn't worry about people being tempted to take risks.


...all right. We are going to need the light form anyway, though, I shouldn't be the only mage around. Especially if this ends up taking longer than it's looking like it might... your sibling probably didn't tell you, kobolds don't stop aging, I'm only going to live another hundred twenty-five years or so at most.


Okay. Yeah, we can try getting several different forms on one trip. When d'you want to plan that for?


I'm going to need a while to get out to the place we'll be trying to get them from - it's elves, they're dangerous, I settled pretty far from them, and I've been pretty busy with other things and might get busier soon. But I can work on it and let you know when I'm a few days out, if that's good enough.


Thank you. What else are you busy with, can we speed it along?


Not really. I'm hunting for the other host until they're ready to get off the ice, best way to get that much meat that quickly is with my magic. ...I'm not sure that came up exactly, actually, I can teleport parts of things even without a portal spell. It's very tricky for any kind of detail work, though.


They're not off the ice already? We heard they were entering Beleriand back when the Sun first rose and that was a few weeks ago.


They're very definitely still on the ice, most of them. She sends an image of where she first appeared, the line of trudging Eldar stretching off into the distance in both directions. Not for much longer, but then I'm probably going to be helping them get started in their new place.


Far away from here, yeah?


The spells don't actually tell me. But I think so, yeah.





Any more spell ideas?


Lots more, but let's chew over this and then give you the rest in a batch next time you're here, so as not to waste your time.


All right. See you then.


...back to the cave. She needs to decompress and anyway it's arguably lunchtime.


More or less. Found out some interesting things I can do with my magic, most of it's not very directly useful but we have a plan. And it seems like I can get along fine with your siblings right up to the point where the other host comes up.


I am glad to hear that. They probably won't bring it up much.


Nod. They were pretty nice to me other than that. And anyway, we found a couple interesting weapon uses and some other ones, they're testing portal-light for growing plants with and I was able to improve some projects they were working on. ...also a hex, or two hexes depending on how you count it, it's the same technique but either definitely lethal or pretty gentle depending on how I do it.

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