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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Where we come from, powerful people get to make all the decisions. Our chosen chiefs only mattered on things the powerful people didn't care about. 



...yeah, that explains some things. Ugh. Yeah, I definitely like the idea of your parent being in charge, then, if there's going to be a war. Might even be important enough to say so, if that'd work.


I will have to think about whether it'll make things better or worse. Maitimo's brothers would probably stop cooperating with you.


Mmhmm. And it's not exactly a precedent I want to set, either, for anybody. But... have you had a war, before? It's hard to overestimate how important it is to have someone who knows how to handle hard situations in charge when there's trouble that big.


We have not had a war before, but I do know how important that is. But making the situation much much harder would not help fix that.


She nods. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything impulsive. I'm just figuring out what I want, if there's no good way to get it I'm not going to try to.


I am glad you think my father'd be a good king. He will be, I just don't know if it makes any sense to try making the Feanorians obey him.



It sounds like the kind of problem to give to Maitimo when they're feeling better, when you say it like that. I wonder what they'd think of it.


If Maitimo wants that as an outcome he'd know how to bring it about. He might not want it. It'd mean giving up something that has mattered a lot to him his whole life and betraying his own father and making most of his brothers hate him.



None of those things made the list, though. Fucking Angband.


I think they'd do it, if they agree with my logic. And that they'd want to be told about the idea.


I am very sure the idea's already occurred to him. I suppose you could tell him that he'd have your vocal support on it, he might have a better sense than me of whether that'll make his brothers jump to the assumption he's being coerced...


In that case I think it's better to not tell them - they'll figure it out on their own soon enough anyway, I'm sure, maybe not the part where I'd be willing to do something about it but definitely what my opinion is, and then they have more freedom in how to handle the situation. Their siblings deciding I'm mistreating them would be very bad, it's worth being careful to avoid that and they'd know how to.


Yes. I expect he'll actually go home pretty soon, to avoid exactly that impression.


...possible. Sigh. This whole situation is such a mess.


We're all here to face the Enemy, that's what matters. Maitimo'll - Maitimo'll get the things he cares about done.



I'll be heading back over there sometime in the next couple days - tomorrow, probably, if that one giant moose is where I think it is and my hunting goes quickly. They have some things they want to try, with my magic; maybe there'll be a chance to make a better impression. Or maybe not, if they think she had something to do with Maitimo butting heads with them over returning this host's things.


Oh, you didn't make a bad one. You said they did nothing but quiz you about magic? That's - my cousins have no social graces at all, but that's what affection looks like, from them.



Maybe they did thank me, then, and I just completely missed it. Good to know, thank you.


It's very annoying and sometimes they even remember to behave better. But - yeah, from Feanorians questions are the highest compliments, means they care very much about what you think. Eru, they need someone to translate for them.


She chuckles. Well, I am a Speaker, that's literally my job. Now that I have a clue about what to look for, I should be able to work out the basics pretty quickly. Pleased comfortable leaning.


He puts an arm around her. And he always made fun of Tyelcormo for having Huan afoot at every moment. I hope you do. Things'll be better for everyone if Maitimo's well enough to take back the command there.


Nod, lean.

Tell me more about them?


Maitimo? I don't have much more to say. When healthy he's competent and the only person who can keep his brothers in line, if Fëanáro's really dead. He -


- I would really need to know whether he burned the ships to say anything more than that.


Leaning: intensifies. I think I have a pretty good idea of what Maitimo is like, at least now. I'd like to hear about how they used to be, sometime, but it doesn't have to be today; I meant their siblings.


Oh. Hmmm. They are all very, very loyal to each other. They don't like people telling them what to do, or what's right and what's wrong, but they do care about hurting people. At least sometimes. They are all of them very gifted, they do not try at all to be courteous to people they don't like...

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