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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Sending people to the jungle is probably a good way to do it.


Mmhmm. Not as immediately helpful as I was hoping, though.


Yeah. Helping is a different sort of thing in a large host of people.


Yup. That'll be an adjustment, but I expect I'll do okay with it in the long run. Working with the tigerfolk was even more indirect than that.


A portal that they can go through at will scales to help a whole host pretty readily.


Mmhmm. I'm not sure I want to do that, though, or at least not without more safety measures than I'm confident I'll be able to build in. Giving your host access to my world is one thing, taking the risk of the Enemy or their people coming here is more of a problem.


You can't build it with a precaution by species? 


Not unless there's some noticeable physical difference. I could probably do something that I'd have to touch with a furry part of my hand to activate it, for example.


There are physical differences between Elves and orcs but the Enemy could imitate an Elf. He could imitate a furry hand, too. Hmm.


Nod. I can do passwords; I can do passwords that change every day or something, even, but that means I have to go back and cast a new batch of spells every so often. I can add a way to permanently deactivate it and make it so it stops working if whatever I cast on is moved. But I don't think that's enough.


Can the password be 'I swear that I have never served Melkor' or something?


.... yes, yes it can. That might be good enough. What happens if you swear in a language you don't know at all?


You're still bound to it, so most people'd never chance it. The Enemy couldn't say those words aloud in any language.


Okay, good.

We'd still have to worry about the other species that can't swear, if any of those are around. Do you know anything else about them?


Dwarves? I don't. My brothers might.


Nod. Hopefully it'll be nice and straightforward, but we can probably figure something out, anyway.


Anyway, they might be like the Dwarves already in your world so it'd be no harm for them to go through.


I'm not very willing to assume that the Enemy can't get any Dwarves to make trouble in my world, even if most of them are fine. I don't know much about what they're capable of, though.


I have only heard of them by story but I think they're just people.


I meant the Enemy - our languages are different in how they refer to people, and switching over to your way is probably going to be awkward for me.


Huh. Okay. The word you're using comes through as plural.


Huh. It should be ambiguous about that and also type, which is more the point - we consider that private information.


Gender? We, ah, don't. I don't think we have a word that's ambiguous about gender.


...close enough, I think. I do have words like the ones you're using but I'm not sure the context in which they'd usually be used wouldn't come through if I did. And even if you wouldn't be bothered by that, I'd be.


I don't care how you speak, it's fine.

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