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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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The Valar sealed off Valinor in their anger; they might not approve of people being sent to them.



She did make a portal to Valinor once and nothing happened, but she wants to find out what the deal was with Doriath before she tries that again, poking gods with magic may be hazardous to her health.


When did she make a portal to Valinor? Where to?


One of the cities, she doesn't remember the name; this was months ago, before she actually came to this world - she was trying to figure out if she had the right one.


It would be nice if it were safe to look in on Valinor and check on lost loved ones.


Well, poking gods with magic might be hazardous to her health, but she'll head out to Doriath to ask about that as soon as she can.


The conversation turns to speculation about Doriath and what it's like.


She obviously can't contribute much to this part; she can pick up a lot of good vocabulary by listening, though.


And after a little while their break is over and they get back to work.


And Rána takes Tirinquo to find Findekáno.


He does not generally take breaks. But he does hug her.


That's what she's here for. Better, thank you.


Yes, much better.


I'm glad.


And that's enough being a distraction for right now; back to the Fëanorean camp to write up vocabulary notes for the day.


The Feanorian camp is if anything even busier.


As usual.

After dinner Rána checks in with Maitimo, also as usual.


Yeah. Wasn't yesterday, but we're all right. ...has Tyelkormo been back?


He's supposed to be out east all week.


Okay. What happened was, some people from the other host were being kind of jerks about Tirinquo not talking, and I wasn't handling it well, and they got the people in the wood shop to call Tyelkormo to come talk to me about it. Which helped, I really like Tyelkormo. But they offered to make sure everyone here knows why they shouldnt do that, and I'm not sure you actually want them doing that, so. She chuckles.


If that's what you two think should happen.


I mean, if you can come up with a way of getting the point across that'll upset people less, that would be good. But if there isn't one - I was seriously considering just leaving, like, altogether, I really can't deal with that kind of thing.


I doubt it will upset people compared to even what little they know of what's going on in Angband.


That's not a reason not to minimize it. But if you think they'll be okay, sure.

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