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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Tirinquo does too.

They're briefly tempted to try to get the Quendi to pet them; after a moment's indecision, they snuggle up to the other kobold again instead.


That's fine.


I think this is about as much progress as we're going to make today, the kobold reports after a little while. Thanks for your help.


No problem. She leaves.


They go cuddle on the bed for a little while, and then the original does some spellcasting work - the Quendi have been bringing things to a nearby storage room for her to enspell when she has time, and there's quite a backlog.

And then the stress-plant starts to wear off, a few hours later, and it's pretty obvious; Tirinquo moans and curls up again and trembles, and she stops working and goes to hold them.

Fifteen minutes later, they've calmed down enough that they're just clinging quietly to her, and she osanwës Maitimo. Busy?


Okay. It's not urgent.


And a while later - what do you need?


Nothing at the moment; I wanted to let you know how it went.


How did it go?


About as well as it could've. They took the plant; it helped a lot - they were still nervous about some things but calm enough that they could handle it. They still wanted me around for reassurance, but I'd've been kind of worried if they didn't, really. The one thing that didn't go so well was the osanwë, it seems like they can't tell osanwë'd thoughts from their own; we might be able to figure out how to explain it, but I haven't figured out how yet.


Okay. I'm glad to hear it. How are you doing?


Holding up okay. I miss my friends in the other camp, though.


Understandably. I hope you can meet with them again come summer.


That too, but I meant the Ñolofinwëans.


He won't be okay even for a few hours?


If I had to, but not for this - I can't tell them when I'd be back or even that I plan to come back, remember.


Are you planning to spend all your time with him for the next while?


Another couple days at least, yeah. Ideally I'd stay until there's at least one Quendi they feel comfortable being left with, but I don't think I can wait that long - I should stay at least until they're not so upset about just being here, though.


That makes sense. 



I do think they'll be okay eventually - they seemed open to the idea of Quendi as tribemates, and that's the most important thing - but I'm not sure if 'eventually' is going to be more like weeks or more like years.


Well. As long as it doesn't come up often, we're okay.




The next day, she offers stress-plant leaves with breakfast and lunch, and after lunch, at Tirinquo's prompting, they leave the room to go for a short walk.


The encampment is very pretty and full of Quendi.


That's a lot of Quendi. Tirinquo is quickly overwhelmed, but resists when their companion tries to bring them back to the room, so she finds a bench for them to sit on and watch the crowd.

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