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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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The singing is met with awed silence.


Oh, good, awing people will probably only help with their goals here. They'll sing more.


They start to draw a crowd.

After a little while, the a couple of acolytes have stopped to listen. It seems that word has spread about them; the acolytes are curious about what this means.


They can start projecting images and memories of Valinor and the Valar to go with the songs?


Yes, yes they can. A susurrus goes through the crowd; several of the elves fall to their knees. One of the acolytes disappears - the druid needs to know about this.


Good? They're a little out of their depths here but 'make a splash, announce that the Valar disapprove of killing any people, even short-lived ones' was the general plan.


If they want to make their announcement before the druid gets here it should probably be soon.


No, seems better to have important people present for the announcement.


The crowd continues to grow. After half a hour - they must have been in a tearing hurry - a group of giant falcons bearing Imòla the druid, Nidela, and a few high-ranking acolytes soars in and perches overhead.

What are you doing?, sends Nidela.


We've just been singing about Valinor. They liked it and paid attention. 


If you want to work with the druid you can't make things complicated for him like this.


How is this making things complicated?




 We have gods, we believe in them - we don't interact with them, not even indirectly, and now he has to explain this.


Right, but we do interact with them, wouldn't people want to know that?




...and they're going to want to know what it means, how it fits...


That makes sense. But - it's true. So we couldn't help keep it a secret.


Could've waited. She buries her face in the falcon's feathers.


Yes, they could have done that. They keep singing.


Nidela clings to her hawk and waits for them to finish.

Imòla and the acolytes watch and listen carefully, trying to figure out how what they're seeing makes sense given gods that made them and set them to their task thousands of years ago and haven't been heard from since.


Well, the gods went west to Valinor. This is Valinor.


They'd expect to have at least heard of it. Also gods don't usually cooperate well enough that all of them would have gone to the same place - they could see the three elven gods doing that, but some of these are obviously not those.

Some people in the crowd are starting to wonder about the lack of glorious battle songs. There'd usually be at least one glorious battle song - really, several - by now if this was a normal concert.


...they can oblige, there. This was the Dagor Nuin Giliath.


Yup, that's a glorious battle song all right. It's a little weird that the orcs are so aggressive, especially given how soundly they lost, and very weird that there's several balrogs and that they don't attack the orcs or each other, but the elves enjoy it anyway.


There must be some differences of expectations. Anyway. That is the concert.


The crowd remains silent for several seconds, and then the elves begin talking to each other. A few of the nearer ones consider approaching them, but they're too intimidated. The crowd starts to thin out at the edges, but most of the elves stay, curious about what they're going to do next.

Imòla directs his hawk to glide down to them and dismounts, followed by two other elves who stay on their hawks. "Hello, friends - Quendi, do I have that right? That was an amazing performance. May I ask you some questions about it?" By which he means 'grill them about how it's meant to fit with the existing lore, which he's an expert in'.

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