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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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That makes sense, yes. And they'll find it an interesting challenge. They might already be looking at things like that.


I think so, yeah. I didn't understand all the things they showed me they were working on, but a couple of them could have been that.


I don't understand half the things they're working on either. That's not the memory loss, I'm pretty sure I never did.


She chuckles. Yeah, that sounds about right. I think I could understand most of them, if I sat down with them and really tried, and maybe had someone who could explain them slowly. But your siblings are not that person.


Father was very patient with all of us when we were growing up and learning things. Now there's less space for patience.


Mmhmm. And I don't mind not knowing, it's just funny how they seemed to expect me to figure such complicated things out from so little information.


They mean it as a compliment.


Yeah, I caught that. It's more cute than anything else, knowing that.


I think so too.




I should work on that magic-vision spell tonight. I'm sure they're going to want to see what the magic detection form can do; better if I have something close to a final version for them to see.


That makes sense. I'll leave you to it.



She goes and gets some small rocks and sets them in front of her and sits and closes her eyes.

After a while: Are you going to want a magic vision spell? We're probably going to keep the tradition that the first spell a new mage casts on a person is that on themselves, but if you're not going to learn magic anyway that probably doesn't matter.


I'd like that. I can't do anything dangerous with it, right?


Right, all it'll do is let you see which things are magic and some details about how. Want to see what I have so far?


I'd like that, yeah.


All right. This one will just last through tomorrow - I may end up changing things around, and everybody should end up with a spell that works the same way so we can share things over osanwë and have them make sense - and I'll make it so you can turn it on and off, too. And you generally won't be able to see the spells on me, since I have the antimagic effect.

She goes through the spellcasting procedure - he can turn the effect on or off by wanting to, unless he'd rather have a different trigger - and then teleports the stones she was using to test it with to his tray; when he activates the spell he'll see gently glowing swirls of different colors overlaid on them.


What do the differences in color mean?


Different spell forms. Grey is the teleportation, yellow is the light form, bright blue is the magic detection, and red is the antimagic. I can't get more detail than that with this detection form.


Ah, clever. Wow.


It's pretty, too.


Yeah, that seemed like something I should try for. Good to know I managed it.


You're getting to know Quendi quite well.


I'm working on it, yeah.


So the magic-hiding spell beats magic detection?


Mmhmm. It makes it so you can't trigger spells at all, while it's active.


I still don't understand why you think protection against hexes isn't possible.

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