in color amentans meet hazel
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"I don't think we're worse than humans. Maybe wizards in particular are perfect."


"I think if humans were nearly as rich as you we'd be much, much nicer. Anyway, what kind of aliens are you imagining where conquering them would be justified and just helping them wouldn't work -"


"There's a lot of fiction examples you won't recognize..."


"The best thing would probably be just telling Amentans to cut it the fuck out once we have the force to back that, no conquering required."


"There's lots of that internationally," says Ana.


"And it's probably a delicate balance and complicated to get into and we don't have a lot of tools in between 'asking nicely' and 'mind control'. But someday, yeah."


"It's going to really make a lot of people miserable to hear that we can't have the thing we've all known we needed since before anybody alive was born," says Katin.


"You can have Mars. We don't need Mars. You just can't take planets people are living on by imposing your stupid beliefs on them."


"Mars doesn't have air."


"Father, could we do something that produces endless air -"

        "We talked about this and I'm looking into it! There are other considerations but I do think we can get it working eventually."


"It's still not a reason to steal other peoples' planets! It's like - it's like if a homeless person broke into my house and threatened my family at gunpoint, and I said 'look, there's land down by the river, you could build a house there', and they say 'but it doesn't have running water! and I've wanted a house so badly for so long!' That's fine! It just does not give you any claim to mine, and it does not excuse the things done to steal mine!"


Katin sighs.


"It is good it's you and not Tapa or Met or Rivik or whatever."


"Thanks, I guess."


Afen and Finis are now talking rapidly in several different languages about terraforming Mars.


Schools open across Britain (and, when they check, many other places, though not the whole world yet). They teach Anitami and literacy and basic mathematics and Anitami history and British history. Students start the day with a shower, and get free clean uniforms. 


The conquerors offer girls' schools, boys' schools, and mixed schools but the English do not send their children to the mixed schools and after a while they relent on that and designate them one way or the other.


Ana successfully poaches her cousin from her internship and Hala joins her at the Way estate. She perches unobtrusively in corners and takes notes longhand while peering at humans and house-elves.


Humans practice their Anitami and do spell research and let off steam by dueling or turning teapots into mice. Timothy entertains visitors often and shoos the skypeople when he does that. He sees his girlfriend once a week and takes her to concerts or out flying. 


Minor spends most of his time under a pile of books about wards, poking a voltaic pile and grumbling.


Michael and Rebecca record music and post it on the internet!! They don't do video, because people will notice the similarities to Makel.




Theodore and Telkam drop by occasionally with potion supplies. Telkam looks altogether happier than anyone has ever seen him.


House-elves prepare food for everybody and fret over when Timothy's going to marry and whether there'll be enough elves for more proper wizarding households.


An orange from one of the schools in Switzerland abandons her post with a vague note and no notice. Her wife is frantically emailing everyone whose email address she can get ahold of.


The colony government in Canada is so sorry she's going through this and hopes that the police are able to determine what happened.

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