in color amentans meet hazel
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"It's really on Aitim, not the people carrying out the rules he made."


"I haven't been blaming the guards and executioners. But if they've got blue hair, they could be making things better, and instead she's -" Sigh.


"Shasali can't afford controversy," says Katin. "She's still barely allowed to exist and if anything bad enough happens to her her kids get it too."


"It's probably safe at this point, it's been a few years, but red's the only caste that supersedes lineality," says Ana.


"I - appreciate where you're coming from here, but it's hard to be impressed by 'we used to be absolute unmitigated moral monsters and now we just suck, a lot.' And it's truly astonishing how apparently no one could be doing any better than they're currently doing without horrible personal risk and yet the resultant society does not look anything like one where everyone is doing the best they can."


"Your world has slavery but you were doing the best you could, right?"


" - yeah, as in 'ticking all the political boxes to end it before I was Amentan six.' If I was owning human slaves and gravely explaining how I couldn't do better than that I think you'd be entitled to judge me."



"There are more than fifty million people alive because of what Aitim and my mother did."


"Rivik was going to ship its reds to Miolee," says Ana. "They were going to send them away to be cleaned there and never have to think about it again and decided to shoot them all instead. There weren't going to be any consequences for it until Aitim came up with a coalition of people who were annoyed that they'd made it harder to get reds to go where they were told in the future."


" - why did they - why would they -"


"Because they were red!"


"Is Rivik out conquering other inferior species?"


"They're a really small country," says Ana. "They'll probably wind up going in on a planet with some other countries."


Humans do not look happy at the prospect.


"There are probably uninhabited ones. I think Rivik doesn't have its own space program." She pulls out her pocket everything. It briefly flares to life but then dies. She frowns at it.


"Magic interferes with electricity. We've been keeping our devices in a box outside the wards while I try to figure out how to make it not do that."


"Is it busted or just not gonna work here?" asks Ana. "How far out do I have to go?"


"I don't know if it'll work again when you're out but probably. We haven't tried them here because they're expensive and we knew what'd happen. The box is less than three minutes' walk from the house, it works fine as soon as you're outside the wards."


"Wow," says Ana. "I am the only person in history since the invention of the computer with a good excuse to use a typewriter."


"I think I can eventually figure out what's going wrong with the magic-electricity interaction."


"Sure, but in the meantime. Unless you have magic for it. I can't write very fast longhand."


"We have dictation quills. They can get down conversations pretty good."


"Even better."

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