in color amentans meet hazel
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"Should we, like, tell Shasali sorry for terrorizing her?"


"What'd you do?"


"Got an explanation of the population controls and Aitim's name and location out of her when we were trying to figure out what was up. I'm not very sorry but if I'd anticipated the 'Anitam might turn on her and kill her kids' thing I'd have picked a different one."


"It's not likely," Katin says. "But she's got a lot of her safety tied up in family stuff, she married Cousin Inlad."


"So if it came out about all the secret red shenanigans it'd be bad for everything -"


"Or if people didn't have 'truth drugs' as a hypothesis and thought she just gave up lots of important information, though I think Aitim doesn't suck that much."


"One time Telkam and Ladah had to run to Papa's private island because Aitim was being blackmailed," says Katin.


"That's what Ladah said when I asked where he went, that's all I know."


"Someone figured out that Telkam had been involved in various terrorism, and asked Aitim what he'd do to keep it quiet. I offered to make the guy forget all about it but Aitim thinks he's harmless."


"Harmless is a funny word for that."


"- I mean, that part makes sense to me."


"It does?"


"It's like - hmm, if someone said that they could do something about the person who taught me the Imperius, and I knew he'd stopped that kind of thing, I wouldn't want him bothered over it. It'd be changing the rules on someone who was abiding by them, just because winning within the rules was slightly less satisfying."


"...uh. Okay, I guess, if you say so."


"Doing adversarial things by rules and containedly is really good and it shouldn't work out badly for people beyond whatever's necessary."


"Did I miss something about who taught you the Imperius -"


"Oh, he's not nice about it, though on the other hand he kind of can't be because of it being the Imperius. I don't know how much nicer he could be if he cared to. The agreement he makes with people who want to learn is that he'll Imperius you for four hours at a go, and if you figure out how to throw it off good for you."




"I'm not saying we shouldn't make him stop once we figure out a better way to protect people from the Imperius, I'm just saying - I don't dislike him, that'd be stupid, and I wouldn't want to be the kind of person who'd retaliate once I had the chance."


"I'm not sure everyone is as good as you are at determining whether you are that kind of person."


"Oh, it's not really a strategic thing, I think I could pretty much get everything I want while handling this specific thing differently, since the circumstances under which it'd come up are unusual enough people won't really factor them in. I just don't want to be that kind of person, even if it costs me nothing."


"But this doesn't extend to not hurting Shasali because..."


"Because we needed to know if you were putting infertility drugs in the water."


"You don't have a centralized water supply," says Ana.

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