in color amentans meet hazel
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"What should we expect tomorrow?"


"Planning for a pretend magical government, probably. Introductions to people who can go home and plan things with you. I will tell them not to imply that humans are less intelligent on average and they will stop implying it, once they're less shellshocked people will probably be excited about the options for terraforming."


"I don't actually think it's a problem if they believe humans are less intelligent on average, but I think it's a problem if they assume that this continues to apply to selected individuals, because it means no human can ever expect to command their respect. Pelape is maybe smarter than me, we're not sure, too many confounders, but then she's also smarter than the average Amentan - she took a test, apparently."


"I think it's a real drawback of our system that smart purples and greys do not command nearly as much respect as an equally smart yellow or green or blue."


"And humans are set up to fall right into the same hole and that's bad."


"Like - where did they think you got us, out of the bargain bin?"


"My society is changing, but not as quickly as I would like."


"Pelape gives you a lot of credit for the reds thing but that was mostly over with years ago."


"Only slightly more than half of countries had transitioned by the time we developed warp, though everyone else shaped up at that point. There was substantial doubt about whether Miolee was going to survive pretty much right up to the point where we did our first starship test."


"The, uh, analogy you chose isn't wrong but it's horrifying, I don't know if that's what you're going for."


"I didn't really have another one to hand and you started it."


"Like I said, it's not wrong, it's just - you may be underestimating the extent to which it parses as 'wizards will mostly leave you alone if they get everything they want but if you happen to be in their way you will die'."


"Parsing wizards as a group that's not far wrong."


"I noticed. I just don't want Aleva to notice, because the correct response to that is compliance if you don't have a choice, and war if you do."


"You threaded the needle with the reds."


"I think I can do it here. Maybe if both sides pretend for long enough that they think the other people are their equals they'll get so used to pretending they'll believe it. Maybe their children will."


"I don't personally think it matters that Muggles can't leave ghosts, should I lean on that more, I thought it would be a bit - 'I don't care that you don't have souls, pay attention to my charitability' or whatever."


"My instinct is that the thing that'll really work is agreeing on terms, and that everything else'll be fairly superficial - that was true with reds, too, telling them that you thought it was nonsense never helped, saying you'd do a hard thing and then doing it did..."

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