in color amentans meet hazel
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"Miolee's nice." The toddler is wiggling; she sets him down and he runs behind her.


"I'm not sure we're going to have time to leave the country but maybe we'll find an occasion."


"Aitim said you are magic teleporting humans and he did not say it like he was kidding."


"Yes, but it's hard to do over really long distances, especially if you don't know the area."


"Ah, okay. Niho, the humans are here!"


Niho, hair dyed a lovely sapphire color, comes down the stairs. "Humans! Hello, it's lovely to meet you. Niho Kesna."

"Miranda Way, she's Karen Dwimmer."


"How's Earth, is Aitim behaving himself?" She balances toddler on her shoulders and walks towards the dining room; she grabs her husband's hand when she passes him.


"As possible conquerors of our planet go he's great! We're a little displeased with the planetary conquest but the infrastructure's marvelous."

(Niho kisses Isel's cheek and play-bites at little Almin's arm.)


There is dinner. "Aitim says there is a magic human of me."


"There is but I'm afraid neither of us know her well, she's a couple years younger and in a different House than either of ours - our school magically sorts children by personality into four groups."


"Magically sorts?"


"There is a hat. You wear it and it inspects you and announces which of the four things you should be. I was in the same one as the magic Aitim and magic Makel, Karen was in the same one as magic Kefin - my husband - and magic Kantil, magic you is in the same one as magic Kan and magic Telkam." Miranda consults a chart more than once in the course of announcing these correspondences.


"Huh. I'm trying to think what categories - uh, nerd green, attention to appearances, and stupid priorities? Are those large enough categories to contain three-fourths of humans?"


"The traditional descriptions are 'ambition and cunning and resourcefulness', 'wit and knowledge and talent', 'courage and chivalry and daring', and the other one's 'diligence and loyalty and fairness'."


"Huh." She frowns thoughtfully at her husband.


"...I have no idea," Niho says. "Why, do you think there might be one of me too?"


"There is apparently a pronounced tendency for people to have corresponding spouses but no one knows why or how far to expect it to persist."


"It's disturbingly pronounced. Aaron met the human version of Isama while she was pretending to be a man, offered to marry her anyway so it would be legal to tell her about magic, and only discovered who she was when he brought her home and Hala said 'hi Mom'."


"Uh. That's creepy."


"We're aware. Although Kefin is carrying on with my alt in spite of being annoyed at the supposed orchestrating force 'cause we're just that great. No sign of a Karen yet though."


"Huh. And you don't recognize Niho?"


", not really. Although it could be a skin tone thing, since humans don't change in that respect much."


"Is this a good system to sort humans by, should more humans be offered the chance to get sorted by it..."


"It's useful in some ways in a school context because it allows authority figures to specialize and I guess it might be interesting but I don't think you'd see much gain from spreading it around."


"If you're looking for where the human caste system is hiding this is not that."

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