in color amentans meet hazel
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"The Imperius Curse requires separate training to defend against reliably, although Occlumency won't hurt."


"The training for that one is hard to arrange, because the spell can only be cast from a mindset mostly incompatible with wanting to teach someone self-defense."


"A lot of this is just an argument for very systemic decision-making that is very traceable to specific evidence and ideally to a previously recorded intent to react in a certain way to evidence."



"Magic interacts poorly and usually destructively towards electronics, although it's possible we just need to study how to deal with them and then it'll be trivial."


"But it will probably continue to be very hard to edit the contents of an email stored on a server somewhere without knowing where the server is."


"Probably, yes. And we may have an outright range limit that technology doesn't seem to."


"All right," says Intal. "Thank you two very much for travelling all the way out here. Is there anything we can answer for you while you're here?"


"What are your desiderata for the magical Anitami government?"


" - well, it needs to ban doing mind-altering magic to our citizens, and assist us in bringing to justice wizards who commit any other crimes against our citizens, and cooperate in other respects with law enforcement, and enforce population controls. I think everything else will depend on what's helpful to make it convincing."


Miranda writes all this down. "Magical governments are often modeled as though they are a branch of the Muggle government but I don't know that anyone will expect this of an extraplanetary instance."


"That seems like a reasonable way to structure it, and makes the chain of command clearer."


"Well, in the Earth cases there isn't a chain of command between the two, but you could use the structure for that."


"I think it makes sense for them to answer directly to the council."


Miranda writes this down.


"Anything else?"


"How will this affect the citizenship status granted to humans in general?"


"We don't typically allow dual citizenships. I'd need more information about the wizarding governments to say anything more definitive than that."


"What would you need to know?"


"Under what circumstances would someone be in a position where fulfilling their obligations under Anitami law required breaking wizarding law, or vice versa? Do people to whom this is relevant want Anitami citizenship, and which things about it do they want, and is Anitami citizenship the best way to create a legal structure surrounding those persons that produces those things? How often and under what circumstances do wizarding societies go to war with each other, and what does that look like?"


"The Statute of Secrecy often requires memory charms even when no wizard has committed a crime, including a Statute violation - rampaging magical creatures, for example. I'm not fully familiarized with the rights and privileges associated with Anitami citizenship but anticipate that most humans will find having a caste annoying. Wizarding societies almost never go to war directly with one another but may back Muggle proxies quietly."


"So then a challenge associated with dual citizenship would be that persons might be obliged by their magical citizenship to commit what we'd regard as, and prosecute as, mass aggravated assault. You didn't mention any reason any of them might want Anitami citizenship, if they don't then I can't think of any reason to claim it exists."


"It's possible there are advantages to Anitami citizenship that outweigh the drawbacks; as I said I'm not fully familiarized."


"What is your faction hoping to achieve through assisting us?"


"Prosecution of the casual use of mind-affecting magic and crimes it enables, a greater voice for human values in the governance of Earth, general flourishing of all sapient beings. - There are more than just humans, there are some magical nonhuman sapients concealed under the Statute along with magical humans and animals and things."


"None of which have a substantial population growth rate," Aitim offers when someone looks about to ask that, "though in some cases we don't have enough information to assess whether it'd be higher under less constrained circumstances."


"What human values do you think are currently underrepresented in Earth governance?"

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