in color amentans meet hazel
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"Not necessarily. It'd definitely get to be a more elaborate ruse."


"Is there a benefit remotely commensurate to the risk?"


"Genetic diversity of wizard hybrid Amentans, more ability to provide the kids with magical educations, you might or might not be moved by the fact that some wizards are not well treated in their home societies..."


"An immigrant is a child credit we don't issue," says Intal. "Possibly several, down the road, since immigrants can also buy credits. It sounds like the hybrids should all marry non-magical Amentans anyway. How is magical education traditionally conducted and how thoroughly has that method been checked for effectiveness?"


"Mix of home tutoring and boarding schools. Not very."


"Is home tutoring notably worse?"


"In breadth, yes."


"I guess," says Intal, "we have technically given everyone on Earth citizenship anyway."


"Which wizards are poorly treated by their home societies?"


"Muggleborns in most polities and sometimes their near descendants. Occasionally ethnic groups or linguistic minorities have problems."


"I'm recruiting," says Aitim.

      "Of course you are. I want to talk about options available to wizards who want to hurt us at a larger scale than miscellaneous rape and murder."


"Most conflict-oriented magic is either defensive or personal-level, but it's definitely possible to do area-effect damage," says Miranda.


"At what sort of scale? How easily could wizards hijack our weapons or order them deployed without our agreement?"


"Mind-control magic such as memory charms and the Confundus is a real problem even in the form that is not a serious wizarding crime. It is also fairly simple to become invisible and inaudible, and to duplicate mundane objects."


"The security solution that has been in place on Earth since I had latitude to implement it is aggressive measures to ensure no wizards board ships and our military liaisons on the Moon with the authority to countermand military instructions I gave which were plausibly the product of being compromised, combined with cooperation on a memory charm that withholds from me information I don't want anyone getting from me. That won't work once there are wizards everywhere and poses serious disadvantages even as things stand. I have someone seeing if she can pick up defensive mental magic. If it's learnable we need to start teaching it in school - and all pick it up ourselves, of course. And if it's not we can get some of the benefits by having distributed, hard-to-access people in on critical decisions, at the cost that, well, we'd have distributed hard-to-access people in on critical decisions."


"People vary in how hard they find it to learn but for some they find it takes years of daily practice. The person trying has some correlates with being quick at it and should be able to test it soon."


"That's Earth years."


"If it's doable at all adding it to the curriculum won't be one of the hard parts," says Intal.


"How is it tested?" asks Kethasa.

"Veritaserum," Miranda says. "As the least invasive option; people with less squeamishness might prefer to try a Confundus or memory charm."


"That'd mean we can't use Veritaserum for law enforcement," says Aleva. 

      "It'd mean Veritaserum was useless on blues who paid any attention in school," says Intal, "which might not be a bad thing, though it probably shouldn't be advertised."


Miranda sighs slightly and refrains from comment.


"This protects against all kinds of magic mind-alteration?"

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